
Which is easier Trinity or ABRSM?

Which is easier Trinity or ABRSM?

Which is easier, the ABRSM music exams or the Trinity music exams? – Quora. Both are equally accredited. Trinity was the first external examination board, but I would have to say that today the abrsm has the monopoly and is more prestigious.

Which is best ABRSM or Trinity?

If you want to pursue a career in music or you want to build a solid music foundation is better to go with the ABRSM. The ABRSM piano diploma syllabus seems to be more complete since the early stages. The sight-reading is compulsory from Grade 1 whilst in Trinity it becomes compulsory from Grade 6.

Which music exam board is the best?

ABRSM provides internationally respected music assessments for learners of all ages and levels of attainment. Each year 700 examiners deliver over 600,000 assessments in more than 90 countries. As a regulated awarding organisation ABRSM assessments are valued and trusted measures of musical progress.

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What’s the difference between Abrsm and Trinity?

The two main differences are: Trinity uses a single phrase or piece of music around which several questions are focused, whereas ABRSM uses different musical extracts within the same set of tests for a candidate. ABSRM tests require some sung responses at each grade, whereas Trinity aural tests do not.

How long do Trinity exam results take?

You can expect the marking to take an average of 2 weeks for grades, and 4 weeks for diplomas, although this is often much quicker. Log back into your account, to read the feedback from the examiner and see your provisional result.

Is Grade 8 music equivalent to a level?

Does Grade 8 piano count as an A-level? The simple answer is: yes (but it’s not quite that simple). Grade 8 piano is classed as a Level 3 qualification in the UK.

How are Trinity Music exams marked?

Trinity’s graded music exams are assessed by external examiners trained and moderated by Trinity. Examiners provide marks and comments using the assessment criteria on pages 18–23. The exams are marked out of 100. Candidates’ results correspond to different attainment levels as shown in the next column.

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Is LCM harder than ABRSM?

The pieces for LCM are generally very similar in standard- often you find the same pieces in both, but generally LCM is a bit harder, I think. For example, one of their current G3 pieces was in ABRSM G5 not very long ago.

How are Trinity music exams marked?