
Which is faster quantum slipstream or Transwarp?

Which is faster quantum slipstream or Transwarp?

It is generally consented that Transwarp is both faster and safer than the Quantum Slipstream.

Is slipstream faster than warp?

So we know that at minimum, Voyager using transwarp, travelled 20000 light-years in a month which equals the Quantum Slipstream’s speed of 60000 light-years in 3 months. But really, Transwarp is even faster because some time elapsed between the events of VOY: Bliss and the use of the transwarp coil.

How fast is quantum slipstream drive?

The slipstream drive became a more prominently featured method of FTL propulsion in Gene Roddenberry’s Andromeda sci-fi series that premiered in 2000. Based on the three hundred light year trip in “Hope and Fear”, the average speed of a quantum slipstream drive calculates out to 2.63e6×106 times the speed of light.

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How do you get quantum slipstream drive in STO?

The Quantum Slipstream Drive ability is granted to all classes upon reaching Vice Admiral 50. It allows a ship to travel at increased warp speed for 30 seconds.

Who discovered slipstream?

It was originally discovered approximately 10,000 years before the current era by Vedran scientist Rochinda.

How Fast Is Borg Transwarp?

The Borg’s Transwarp Technology History by 2374 – A vessel belonging to species 116 named the Dauntless was assimilated by the collective, it’s quantum slipstream capable of speeds of at least 10,000 light-years per hour.

What was Transwarp drive?

Transwarp generally refers to speeds and technologies that are beyond conventional warp drives. This is the highest conventional warp speed mentioned for a spaceship (Borg cube). Also in the episode Threshold (Star Trek Voyager) the warp factor 9.99 is suggested as the limit.

Is transwarp faster than warp speed?

Transwarp generally refers to speeds and technologies that are beyond conventional warp drives. The warp drive has a natural physical or economical limit beyond which higher speeds are no longer possible. The reference work Star Trek Fact Files indicates this limit at warp factor 9.99.