
Which is the poorest state in Germany?

Which is the poorest state in Germany?


State Rank GRP per capita (EUR€)
Germany 38,200
Hamburg 1 61,800
Bremen 2 47,900
Bavaria 3 44,200

What is the richest city in Germany?

The Richest Cities In Germany

Rank German City GDP per capita
1 Wolfsburg 92,594
2 Frankfurt am Main 82,675
3 Schweinfurt 78,382
4 Ingolstadt 75,092

Who is considered poor in Germany?

For Germany as a whole, the poverty line in 2005 was 736 euros a month. By 2017 it had risen to 999 euros. This means that everyone living on his/her own with a monthly net income below 999 euros in 201 was deemed poor. The poverty line for families with two children also rose constantly from 2005 to 2017.

What percent of Germany is poor?

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In 2018, poverty rate at national poverty line for Germany was 14.8 \%. Poverty rate at national poverty line of Germany increased from 12.2 \% in 2004 to 14.8 \% in 2018 growing at an average annual rate of 1.56\%.

What is the most expensive place in Germany?

The most expensive city in Germany is Karlsfeld! The most expensive city in Germany is Karlsfeld! The most expensive municipality in Germany is Munich’s “little neighbor” Karlsfeld in the Dachau district with an average net rent of EUR 10.90 per square meter.

Where do poor people live in Germany?

Some 12.5 million Germans are now classified as poor….Statistics.

Bundesland (state) Children on the welfare rolls (percent of all children, in 2015) People on the welfare rolls (percent of all persons, in 2015)
Mecklenburg-Vorpommern 27.8\% 14.9\%
Saxony-Anhalt 27.9\% 14.2\%
Bremen 28.1\% 13.8\%
Berlin 30.7\% 15.2\%