
Which language does NEP proposes to offer at all school levels?

Which language does NEP proposes to offer at all school levels?

The National Education Policy (NEP) 2020, which was approved by the government in 2020, but yet to be implemented, gives emphasis on learning mother tongue along with other languages. This will bring a four-language policy wherein a student can learn Hindi, English, a regional language and mother tongue.

Is third language compulsory in NEP?

Three Language Formula according to NEP 2020 But no language will be imposed on any State. – To learn three languages will be the choice of States, regions, and students themselves, as long as at least two of the three languages are native to India.

What is the medium of instruction in NEP 2020?

Mother tongue
new education policy 2020: NEP 2020: Mother tongue can be the medium of instruction, but English must stay – Times of India.

Is medium of instruction mandatory in NEP 2020?

Section 29(1)(f) of the RTE Act, 2009, says that the “medium of instruction shall, as far as practicable, be in child’s mother tongue”, just like NEP 2020. Both have made it desirable without making it mandatory, as was the case with the policy of 1966 and 1993, officials pointed out.

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Which course will be discontinued as per NEP 2020?

Phil to be discontinued: According to the NEP 2020, M. Phil will be discontinued. The details regarding the same will be released soon. Sanksrit will be mainstreamed- It is time that Sanskrit will be mainstreamed with a strong offering in schools and three language formula will be adopted in higher education.

Is English a compulsory language in India?

And also Because there is many languages is spoken in india by the differnt citie’s people. And for make conversation with the person who speaks there language and the second person can not understand that language. And different citiies uses different languages in india. That’s why english is also compulsory in india.