
Which language is best for UPSC Hindi or English?

Which language is best for UPSC Hindi or English?

You may have written the UPSC exam in English, but if you feel you are better off speaking Hindi or Tamil or any other regional language that is your native language, you can opt for it. In fact, there are many talented people in India who are well-versed in written English but falter when it comes to conversing in it.

In which language we can write essay in UPSC?

As per the amendment, the English component (of 100 marks ) from the essay paper will also be dropped and the two qualifying papers of 300 marks each in any modern Indian language and in English — as in previous years — will be restored.

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What is the word limit of essay in UPSC?

1000 to 1200 words
The essay paper is an area where you can let loose your creativity while displaying your knowledge about the topics. Also, you have three hours to write about 1000 to 1200 words per topic (word limit for essay in UPSC exam).

How can I improve my essay for UPSC?

Skilful Answer Writing for UPSC Mains

  1. Increase your reading count.
  2. Keep your outline consistent.
  3. Do not use unnecessary jargons or technical terms. Also, avoid clichés.
  4. Avoid generalizations.
  5. Do not overdo the embellishments.
  6. Be original.
  7. Practice makes perfect.
  8. Make your writing error-free as much as possible.

Can I Write my UPSC GS paper in English only?

Now, UPSC has removed that long-standing anomaly. And allows aspirants to write in Any medium and for optional again you will have the option to write in English also. However, You can not write Only essay in Hindi and other GS papers in English. You have to choose. Hope it helps. You can write essay paper in any language you wish.

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What is the word count of the UPSC essay paper?

The Essay Paper is one of the nine papers in the UPSC civil services mains exam. In this paper, you will have to write two essays each with a word count of 1000 – 1200.

How to write an essay for UPSC Civil Services exam?

The Essay Paper is one of the nine papers in the UPSC civil services mains exam. In this paper, you will have to write two essays, each with a word count of 1000 – 1200. One topic can be selected from a choice of four topics. The Essay Paper is for a total of 250 marks with one essay for 125 marks.

Do we have to write all the papers in Hindi for engineering?

E.g. If you choose Hindi medium for Mains examination, then you have to write all other papers like Essay, GS-1,2,3, 4 as well as Optional paper. Even if your optional is technical like Medical Science or Electrical Engineering, You have to write in Hindi only. But that was nightmare for aspirants.