
Which of the following health conditions was caused by cotton mill exposure?

Which of the following health conditions was caused by cotton mill exposure?

Byssinosis is a lung disease caused by job-related exposure to dust from cotton, hemp, or flax. These dusts cause lung disease by obstructing the small air tubes (called bronchioles). Byssinosis can cause symptoms like asthma or more permanent lung damage similar to chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).

Which condition is caused by inhaling cotton flax or hemp?

Byssinosis is a disease of the lungs. It is caused by breathing in cotton dust or dusts from other vegetable fibers such as flax, hemp, or sisal while at work.

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Which category of cotton workers is commonly affected by Byssinosis?

In the United States, byssinosis occurs almost exclusively in people who work with unprocessed cotton. People who open bales of cotton during the first stage of processing are at the highest risk. There’s also a type of byssinosis called grain worker’s lung that appears in people who work with grains.

What is lint lung?

Byssinosis is an occupational lung disease caused by exposure to cotton dust in inadequately ventilated working environments. Byssinosis commonly occurs in workers who are employed in yarn and fabric manufacture industries.

What diseases were common in textile mills?

This study shows that the low educational status of workers in the textile and garment factories is associated with several disease groups, including injuries, MSD, peptic ulcer, UTI, AFI and hemorrhoids.

Is there a cure for pneumoconiosis?

Pneumoconiosis can’t be cured. Once the disease has been diagnosed, treatment is aimed at keeping it from getting worse and controlling your symptoms.

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How do I get fiber out of my lungs?

When a person inhales fiberglass, larger fibers may be trapped in the upper airway. Smaller fibers may be inhaled deep into the lungs. Inhaled fibers are removed from the body partially through sneezing or coughing, and through the body’s defense mechanisms.

What causes brown lung?

Byssinosis. This is caused by breathing in dust from hemp, flax, and cotton processing. It is also known as Brown Lung Disease. The condition is ongoing (chronic).

Is cotton dust harmful?

* Repeated exposure can cause serious, permanent lung damage (byssinosis) with chest tightness, difficulty breathing, coughing and wheezing. Cotton Dust is a colorless, odorless solid. It is generated from the processing of cotton fibers.

What is brown lung?

byssinosis, also called brown lung, orbrown lung disease, respiratory disorder caused by inhalation of an endotoxin produced by bacteria in the fibres of cotton. Byssinosis is common among textile workers, who often inhale significant amounts of cotton dust.

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Why working in mills was harmful to the health of textile workers?

Eye inflammation, deafness, tuberculosis, cancer of the mouth and of the groin (mule-spinners cancer) could also be attributed to the working conditions in the mills. Long hours, difficult working conditions and moving machinery proved a dangerous combination.