
Which parallel importer is reliable in Singapore?

Which parallel importer is reliable in Singapore?

Car Lingual Car Lingual is a one-stop shop reliable parallel car importer in Singapore for their customers, ensuring their needs with car financing, car insurance and the trade-in of existing cars are all smoothly managed by them directly.

Can you trust parallel imported?

Parallel imports are often confused with pirated or counterfeit goods. Parallel imports are genuine. Pirated or counterfeit goods are fake versions made by people other than the original manufacturer.

Why parallel import cars are cheaper?

Parallel import cars are cheaper They need stunning showrooms, a huge staff, marketing activities, etc. The cost of those overheads is factored into their car prices.

How does parallel import work in Singapore?

Parallel Importers (PI) purchase directly from the factories producing the vehicles and then import them to Singapore. Parallel importers do not have any limitation on the brand of vehicles they can retail, unlike authorised distributors who can only sell the make of vehicle they are representing.

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Should I buy from PI?

In general, PI offer lower prices compared to AD. This is usually because they take in cars with lower Open Market Value (OMV). The next time you’re thinking of buying a new car, you can consider buying from a PI, because you get to pay much lesser, without compromising on its quality.

Is parallel importing illegal in Singapore?

Parallel imports are permitted–unless they are not: the case of SAMSONITE in Singapore. Therefore, if goods had first been “put on the (overseas) market” with the consent of the trade mark proprietor, he can no longer object to their sale if they are thereafter brought into Singapore by a parallel importer.

What is the problem with parallel imports?

A parallel import is a non-counterfeit product imported from another country without the permission of the intellectual property owner. Parallel imports are often referred to as grey product and are implicated in issues of international trade, and intellectual property.

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Is parallel importing illegal?

A parallel import or Grey Product is a product that is imported into South Africa without the manufacturer or local distributors’ knowledge. Although not illegal in South Africa, it poses a few risks to your business.

What is car parallel import?

What is a parallel import? An authorized distributorship sells new cars on behalf of manufacturers such as Toyota. The authorized distributorship works directly with the factory to order, import, and sell vehicles, and to provide a ‘brand experience’ and levels of service specified by the factory.

How do I parallel import a car to Singapore?

Guide to Importing Dutiable Motor Vehicles

  1. Step 1: Applying for Singapore Customs’ Assessment of Vehicle’s Customs Value. For Individuals or Parallel Importers.
  2. Step 2: Approval by Singapore Customs.
  3. Step 3: Payment of Duties and Goods & Services Tax (GST)
  4. Step 4: Clearance of Motor Vehicle.

How do I stop parallel imports?

Once the individual or company responsible for the parallel imports has been identified, the first step will usually be to contact them directly requiring them to cease and desist, in order to try to resolve the issue as inexpensively as possible without issuing court proceedings.

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How are parallel imports regulated?

Parallel Importers buy these pharmaceuticals and then under strictly regulated conditions move medicines to the destination market, repackage them to comply with national legislation and linguistic needs, and sell them at a lower price than the standard local price, in competition with that same identical product sold …