
Who are the two servants that are talking at the beginning of Act 1?

Who are the two servants that are talking at the beginning of Act 1?

Sampson and Gregory, two servants of the house of Capulet, stroll through the streets of Verona. With bawdy banter, Sampson vents his hatred of the house of Montague. The two exchange punning remarks about physically conquering Montague men and sexually conquering Montague women.

What does Sampson do to stir anger in the Montague servants?

[Enter Abraham and Balthasar, two servants from the Montague household. Sampson bites his thumb at them.]

What insult starts the fight between the servants in Romeo and Juliet?

Thumb biting
What insult, and by whom (servant from which family), starts the fight between the servants? Thumb biting.

Do you quarrel sir?

Do you quarrel, sir? Quarrel sir! no, sir. If you do, sir, I am for you: I serve as good a man as you.

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Why does the fight start at the beginning of Act 1?

The melee that takes place in Act One, Scene 1 begins when the servants from both houses begin to fight each other. The fight is a mere flare up in the feud between the Montagues and Capulets. What really causes the fight is the fact that the Montagues and Capulets hate each other.

What do we learn about Romeo in the first scene before he actually appears in the play?

What does the first scene of the play reveal about Romeo’s behavior? The first scene reveals that Romeo is sad because the girl he loves (Rosaline) doesn’t love him back. Romeo is melancholy, pathetic, and shuts himself up in his room. Romeo is a victim of “Portly Love” (contrasting concept of love).

What is Sampson role in Romeo and Juliet?

Sampson. Sampson is one of Capulet’s servants. He has a taste for bawdy puns and a great liking for women. He sets Gregory on to start a quarrel with the Montague servants, while making sure that they stay on the right side of the law by not being seen to start the brawl.

What does Sampson say can make him angry?

A dog from that house will make me angry enough to take a stand. If I pass one of them on the street, I’ll take the side closer to the wall and let him walk in the gutter.

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Who broke the fight in Act 1 Scene 1?

Two men from the house of Capulet—Gregory and Samson—pick a fight with a few Montague men. Benvolio, a Montague man, tries to break it up, but his efforts aren’t exactly successful when Tybalt, a feisty Capulet, arrives to fuel the fire.

How does the fight in Scene 1 start?

The melee that takes place in Act One, Scene 1 begins when the servants from both houses begin to fight each other. The fight is a mere flare up in the feud between the Montagues and Capulets. And in reality, this particular fight is really among the servants of the two houses.

Do bite my thumb sir?

In this quote, Shakespeare reveals that the young men involved in the feud between the Capulets and the Montagues, Sampson in particular, are immature and “looking for a fight.” ABRAM: Do you bite your thumb at us, sir? SAMPSON: (aside to GREGORY) Is the law of our side if I say “ay”?

Do you bite your thumb at me Sir Romeo and Juliet 1996?

Sampson : [to Gregory] I will bite my thumb at them, which is a disgrace to them, if they bear it. Sampson : No, sir, I do not bite my thumb at you, sir, but I bite my thumb, sir!

What happens in Act 1 Scene 1 of Romeo and Juliet?

Summary: Act 1, scene 1. A verbal confrontation quickly escalates into a fight. Benvolio, a kinsman to Montague, enters and draws his sword in an attempt to stop the confrontation. Tybalt, a kinsman to Capulet, sees Benvolio’s drawn sword and draws his own. Benvolio explains that he is merely trying to keep the peace,…

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What are the servants called in Romeo and Juliet?

Download the entire Romeo and Juliet translation! (PDF) Romeo and Juliet! Romeo and Juliet! Romeo and Juliet! The Capulet family’s servants—SAMPSON and GREGORY—enter carrying swords and small shields. Gregory, on my word, we’ll not carry coals.

How does Romeo fall in love with Juliet?

While Romeo is moping in the corner, he realizes juliet and instantly falls in love, he bumps into her later and earns her permission for a kiss, and then juliet falls in love. Soon after, they figure each other’s identities out through juliet’s nurse (nanny) and they are shocked that they are in love with the enemy (because juliet is capulet).

What happens to the Montagues and Capulets in Romeo and Juliet?

A street fight breaks out between the Montagues and the Capulets, which is broken up by the ruler of Verona, Prince Escalus. He threatens the Montagues and Capulets with death if they fight again. A melancholy Romeo enters and is questioned by his cousin Benvolio, who learns that the cause of Romeo’s sadness is unrequited love.