
Who can beat Zoro in anime?

Who can beat Zoro in anime?

One Piece: 5 Anime Swordsmen Who Can Beat Roronoa Zoro (& 5 Who Can’t)

  • 3 Can’t Beat: Hyakkimaru.
  • 4 Can Beat: Guts.
  • 5 Can’t Beat: Sakata Gintoki.
  • 6 Can Beat: Akame.
  • 7 Can’t Beat: Jin.
  • 8 Can Beat: Killer B.
  • 9 Can’t Beat: Askeladd.
  • 10 Can Beat: Dracule Mihawk.

Who can beat Zoro in a sword fight?

One Piece: 5 Characters Zoro Can Beat and 5 He Can’t

  • 3 KAKU (CAN)
  • 4 SHANKS (CAN’T)
  • 5 PICA (CAN)
  • 6 KAIDO (CAN’T)
  • 9 MONET (CAN)
  • 10 ADMIRAL FUJITORA (CAN’T) Issho is a very powerful swordsman and a user of the Zushi-Zushi no Mi, which turned him into a gravity manipulating swordsman.

Why does Zoro only have one eye?

Because he has the sharingan. Kidding, After the two-year timeskip, Zoro gains a new scar running down his left eye, which is now implied to be critically injured as it is always closed. Eichiiro sensei hasn’t really revealed all of the Strawhat Crew’s power so we can’t say anything.

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How many times does Zoro lose?

Zorro has lost 3 times.

What Happened to Zoro’s bandana?

Zoro normally keeps a black bandanna tied around his left bicep and ties it around his head when he is fighting seriously against an opponent.

Can Zoro use Conqueror’s Haki?

They are also powerful swordsmen with scars around their eyes. For the longest time, the main difference was their mastery of Haki skills. Now that Zoro has Conqueror’s Haki, he can serve his captain the same way Rayleigh did with Roger.

Who is the 2nd greatest swordsman in one piece?

One Piece: 10 Strongest Swordsmen, Ranked

  • 8 Vista.
  • 7 Trafalgar Law.
  • 6 Roronoa Zoro.
  • 5 Fujitora.
  • 4 Silvers Rayleigh.
  • 3 Shanks.
  • 2 Dracule Mihawk.
  • 1 Kozuki Oden.