
Who does the United States recognize as Venezuelan President?

Who does the United States recognize as Venezuelan President?

The United States recognizes Interim President Juan Guaidó as the legitimate President of Venezuela. President Guaidó and the legitimate National Assembly were elected freely in 2015 by the people of Venezuela.

What type of government does Venezuela have right now?

Venezuela is a federal presidential republic. The chief executive is the President of Venezuela who is both head of state and head of government. Executive power is exercised by the President.

Is there freedom of speech in Venezuela?

The Constitution of Venezuela says that freedom of expression and press freedom are protected. Freedom House has also stated that there is “systematic self-censorship” encouraged toward the remaining private media due to pressure by the Venezuelan government.

Who is Maduro in Venezuela?

listen); born 23 November 1962) is a Venezuelan politician and president of Venezuela since 2013, with his presidency under dispute since 2019. Beginning his working life as a bus driver, Maduro rose to become a trade union leader before being elected to the National Assembly in 2000.

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Does Venezuela have freedom of religion?

The constitution of Venezuela provides for the freedom of religion insofar as it does not violate “public morality or decency”. Religious organizations must register with the government in order to obtain legal status.

How did Maduro come to power in Venezuela?

Beginning his working life as a bus driver, Maduro rose to become a trade union leader before being elected to the National Assembly in 2000. A special presidential election was held in 2013, which Maduro won with 50.62\% of the vote as the United Socialist Party of Venezuela candidate.

Who is the real President of Venezuela?

President of Venezuela

President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela
Presidente de la República Bolivariana de Venezuela
Presidential Standard of Venezuela
Incumbent Nicolás Maduro since 19 April 2013
Style Mr. President (Señor Presidente) or His Excellency