
Who is Momo Yaoyorozu shipped with?

Who is Momo Yaoyorozu shipped with?

Shoto Tordoroki and Momo Yaoyorozu are an adorable couple in My Hero Academia that this fan art will make you ship. Shoto Tordoroki and Momo Yaoyorozu are an adorable couple in My Hero Academia that a lot of fans want to see end up together after a few very cute moments the pair have shared on screen.

Is kyoka Jiro insecure?

7 Weakness: She Has Insecurities No one can really blame Jiro for having a few insecurities; she’s an adolescent, and they all have issues like these. Jiro’s insecurities don’t horribly sabotage her as a hero, but they can make her everyday life rather awkward at times.

Who does kyoka Jiro marry?

6 Denki Kaminari & Kyoka Jiro Would Make Sweet Music Together.

Who is kyoka Jiro’s boyfriend?

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Kyoka is partnered with Koji during the Final Exams Arc against Present Mic. Although Koji is very shy and terrified of insects, Kyoka’s words and example of bravery convince him to use his Quirk to talk to bugs of the forest, while she is annoyed that he picked that late of a moment to talk and help.

Is Momo and Shoto together?

As of this writing, Momo and Shoto’s relationship are still friends. But since the manga and anime are still ongoing, fans of the pairing can still hope for a chance that the two might end up together considering that there is no other woman Shoto is close with.

Is Kyoka Jiro weak?

5 Weakness: She Has Limited Physical Abilities She is fairly petite and has low muscle strength, and she isn’t very durable, either. Jiro must make sure that melee villains stay away, or else she’s in trouble. Her fists can’t do much to protect her.

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How powerful is jirou?

This comes as no surprise as Jiro is one the most powerful individuals in the world. Being capable of using Food Honor, Jiro’s techniques increased in speed and strength several times over during battle by cutting down on useless movements and increasing his concentration.