
Who is Syria at war with?

Who is Syria at war with?

The Syrian Civil War is an ongoing violent conflict in Syria between pro-democratic insurgents and Syrian President Bashar al-Assad’s long-standing dynastic regime.

Is Iraq still at war?

The main phase of the conflict ended following the defeat of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) in the country in 2017 but a low-level ISIL insurgency is ongoing in the rural north parts of the country.

How safe is Iraq?

Do not travel to Iraq, including the Kurdistan Region of Iraq, due to the volatile security situation and very high risk of violence, armed conflict, kidnapping and terrorist attack.

Is it safe to go Syria?

Syria is not safe for personal travel. Attempting any form of travel in this very hazardous security environment would place you at grave risk. Criminals, terrorists and armed groups target foreigners for terrorist attacks, assassination and kidnapping for ransom or political gain. Syria is an active conflict zone.

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What’s really happening in Syria?

Syrian rebels. The Syrian rebels were trying initially to overthrow the Syrian government – now they are fighting for their survival in enclaves surrounded by Syrian government forces.

  • Kurds. Kurdish YPG (Picture: Kurdishstruggle/Flickr).
  • Daesh/Islamic State.
  • Turkey.
  • United States.
  • UK.
  • Russia.
  • Iran.
  • Israel.
  • NATO.
  • What is the real issue in Syria?

    The real issue in Syria. Given the amount of blood that has been spilled, and the amount of mistrust that has been sowed, any such deal will probably not be self-enforcing — hence the likely need for a Bosnia-style peace implementation force including many NATO, Arab League, and other Islamic countries.

    Is Syria still in war?

    That means that today, many wars are being fought inside Syria. The Syrian government is still at war with the rebels. Israel is at war with Iranian-backed forces. And the United States is trying to kill off the Islamic State.

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    What are the social issues in Syria?

    Syria: Where Social Justice has Ceased to Exist. The ongoing political issues in Syria have caused its citizens a lifetime of tragedy. Riots in the streets, violent protests intruding on everyday privacy, death and sickness have all plagued multiple cities in Syria in the past few months.