
Who is the father of Bharatanatyam?

Who is the father of Bharatanatyam?

The theoretical foundations of Bharatanatyam are found in Natya Shastra, the ancient Hindu text of performance arts. Natya Shastra is attributed to the ancient scholar Bharata Muni, and its first complete compilation is dated to between 200 BCE and 200 CE, but estimates vary between 500 BCE and 500 CE.

Who started Bharatanatyam?

sage Bharata Muni’s Natyasastra
Bharatanatyam is one of the oldest and most popular forms of classical dance that originated in Tanjore district in Tamil Nadu in South India. The origin of this dance can be traced to the sage Bharata Muni’s Natyasastra.

Who is the first Bharatanatyam dancer in the world?

Rukmini Devi Arundale
Rukmini Devi Arundale (née Neelakanta Shastri; 29 February 1904 – 24 February 1986) was an Indian theosophist, dancer and choreographer of the Indian classical dance form of Bharatanatyam, and an activist for animal welfare.

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What is the old name of Bharatanatyam?

Sadir, Chinnamelan and Dasi Attam or Daasiyattam are the original names of the classical Indian dance form Bharatanatyam that is said to be originated in the temples of Thanjavoor, Tamil Nadu performed by Devdasis.

Who is queen of Bharatanatyam?

Bala Saraswati
Bala Saraswati is regarded, as the queen of Bharatnatyam and is appreciated for her work and efforts in popularizing Bharatnatyam. At present, Bharatnatyam is a vastly common classical dance sort of India.

Who is the guru of Bharatanatyam?

But when it comes to teaching Bharatanatyam, guru Pandanallur Swaminatha Pillai loses his walking stick and sternly steers students at Kalakshetra onto the path of tradition.

Which state dance is Bharatanatyam?

Tamil Nadu
Bharatanatyam, Tamil Nadu (Southern India) It is the first of India’s traditional dances to be refashioned as a theatre art and to be exhibited widely both at home and abroad.

Who is the first dancer in the India?

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Uday Shankar
Born 8 December 1900 Udaipur, Udaipur State, British India
Died 26 September 1977 (aged 76) Kolkata, West Bengal, India
Nationality Indian
Occupation Dancer, choreographer