
Who is the strongest animatronic ever?

Who is the strongest animatronic ever?

Foxy is believed to be the most powerful animatronic in the entire game (having almost 150 servo motors in different parts of his body).

Is Golden Freddy the strongest animatronic?

Superhuman Strength: Golden Freddy has proven to have high levels of superhuman strength that makes him stronger than most Animatronics. He was shown to be overpowering and defeating beings smaller than him, as shown with Freddy, Foxy and the Puppet.

Who is the most loved animatronic?

we can outta most say that foxy is the most loved animatronic through the series. we can see this by looking at all the fan art.

Who is the fastest animatronic?

Currently, the fastest robot/animatronic in the world is the Cheetah robot, running at speeds of 28.3 miles per hour. Or 45.54444 kilometers per hour.

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Is Ennard dead?

After Michael Afton regurgitates the robotic parts belonging to Ennard into the sewer, he lies on the ground, dead.

Who’s the most annoying character in FNAF?

Balloon Boy/BB for short, is one of the most annoying because he takes your batteries for W. Foxy to jumpscare you. Marionette/Puppet, because you have to wind up the music box to make her not attack you.

Who is the coolest FNAF character?


  • Foxy.
  • Purple Guy.
  • Golden Freddy.
  • Jeremy.
  • Who is the deadliest FNaF character?

    If you include the phantom and nightmare animatronics, nightmare foxy would ave to be the deadliest with his long snout and jaw, he is able to achieve a wide and powerful bite especially since he continues to leap on top of the character.

    Who is the slowest animatronic?

    Meet Meshworm, an earthworm-like robot that contracts segments of its body one after the next to inch along the ground at up to 5 millimeters per second, or about 0.01 mph. That is, literally, a snail’s pace.