
Who is the strongest Joestar?

Who is the strongest Joestar?

1 Jotaro Kujo Topping off this list is arguably the most iconic character in the entire series, Jotaro Kujo. In terms of raw destructive power capabilities, Jotaro’s Star Platinum rises above just about any other Stand in the series.

Who is the best JoJo Joestar?

1 Joseph Joestar: Super Secret Joestar Family Technique The protagonist of this part, young Joseph Joestar, is by far the most over-the-top and flamboyant character in the series. His goofy attitude and lovable charm make him a strong candidate for the top spot, but that isn’t the only reason he’s here.

Who is the newest Joestar?

Holy Joestar married into the Kira family, and due to other exceptional circumstances, the latest Joestar, Josuke, is part Kira, part Kujo and is adopted within the Higashikata Family.

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Who is the Favourite JoJo?

Joseph is easily the fan favourite JoJo of the entire Bizarre Adventure, especially after the faithful 2012 anime adaption of Battle Tendency. If Jonathan was Araki’s answer to Kenshiro then Joseph is easily the Goku of JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure.

Who is the most jacked JoJo?

JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: 10 Most Muscular Characters, Ranked By Muscle Mass

  1. 1 Tarukus, The Giant Knight.
  2. 2 Kars Aspires To Stand At The Top Of All Beings In Strength.
  3. 3 Esidisi’s Strength Is Outmatched By His Intelligence & Will To Survive.
  4. 4 Wamuu’s Physical Abilities Are Nothing Without His Code Of Honor.

Who is the MC of JoJo?

Jonathan Joestar (Japanese: ジョナサン・ジョースター, Hepburn: Jonasan Jōsutā) is a fictional character in the Japanese manga series JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure, written and illustrated by Hirohiko Araki. Jonathan is the main protagonist of the series’ first story arc, Phantom Blood.

Who is the strongest stand in JoJo?

Star Platinum: The World. Yeah,you probably saw this coming but come on,what other stand could be the strongest stand in Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure.

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  • Gold Experience. Taking the silver medal in our list of the strongest stands in Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure is the stand belonging to the fifth Jojo,Giorno Giovanna,Gold Experience.
  • King Crimson.
  • Who is the best JoJo?

    Gappy (Josuke Higashikata)

  • Bruno Bucciarati
  • Gyro Zeppeli
  • Johnny Joestar
  • Funny Valentine
  • Dio Brando (DIO) (Diego Brando)
  • Yoshikage Kira
  • Rohan Kishibe
  • Jobin Higashikata
  • Jotaro Kujo
  • What is the strongest JoJo stand?

    Good Experience Requiem is the strongest stand in all of JoJo, and that is what makes Giorno, quite possibly the most broken character in the history of ever. Tusk Act 4 is also a very strong stand, but if Jonny and Giorno fought, Giorno would win with regular Gold Experience .

    How strong is Jonathan Joestar?

    4 Stronger: Jonathan Joestar All told, Jonathan is only marginally more powerful than Bruno , since his powers aren’t as creative as the zipper abilities of Sticky Fingers. But, he is extremely durable and strong, and he can survive just about anything—aside from a ship exploding at sea.