
Who reports to the captain on a ship?

Who reports to the captain on a ship?

One of the most important ranks among deck officers is that of a Chief Officer, the head of deck department of the ship. S/He is one of the four management level officers on the ship who report directly to the captain and his/her second in command after the master of the ship.

When the master enters the bridge what will you do if you are in charge of the navigation?

The Officer on Watch (OOW) when on duty is in charge of the ship’s navigation and safety. While on the bridge, he is the representative of the ship’s master and must carry out all the orders as put forth by the latter.

How do you call a ship captain?

Master has the overall authority to take actions with respect to the safe conduct of navigation and protection of the environment and safety of the ship and its crew. And the Officer In-charge should always call the Ship’s Captain in case of an emergency. When in Doubt, call master.

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Who is the driver of ship?

At first the captain may ‘have the helm’ and issue commands to the helmsman. Then the pilot would come aboard either by a pilot boat or helicopter. The pilot would then take the helm from the captain and effectively ‘drive the ship’.

Does the pilot relieves the responsibility of the master?

The pilot is responsible to the master solely for the safe navigation of die vessel. Despite the duties and obligations of a pilot, his presence on board does not relieve the master or officer in charge of the watch from their duties and obligations for the safety of the ship.

What are the scenarios wherein the OIC NW should notify the master immediately?

As required by the SMS, Master’s Standing Orders and daily orders, the OOW should notify the master immediately: 2. If restricted visibility is encountered or expected. 3. If traffic conditions, density or the movements of other ships are causing concern.

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What does a captain do on a ship?

The captain is responsible for the safe and efficient operation of the ship‍—‌including its seaworthiness, safety and security, cargo operations, navigation, crew management, and legal compliance‍—‌and for the persons and cargo on board.