
Who was the highest ranking POW in Vietnam?

Who was the highest ranking POW in Vietnam?

Colonel Purcell
Colonel Purcell was the highest ranking Army officer captured during the Vietnam War. He spent more than five years in captivity, mostly in solitary confinement.

How many US soldiers were POWs in Vietnam?

During the longest war in American history, the Vietnam War, 766 Americans are known to have been prisoners of war. Of this number, 114 died during captivity. Unlike previous wars, the length of time as a POW was extensive for many, with some being imprisoned for more than seven years.

How many Americans were held captive as prisoners of war?

Americans have been held captive as prisoners of war during many wars and in many places. Still, there is a common bond that is shared by all. Their story is an inspiring chapter of our history as a nation. During the Revolutionary War, an estimated 20,000 Americans were held as prisoners of war and 8,500 died in captivity.

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Who are the Vietnam POWs charged with collaborating with the enemy?

Eight Vietnam POWs were charged with collaborating with the enemy. Robert Chenoweth, seated on the floor, far left, was one of eight men held prisoner in Vietnam and charged with collaborating with the enemy. (Courtesy of Robert Chenoweth)

Where were American POWs kept during the Revolutionary War?

Initially, American POWs were once again kept in prison ships until 1813, when they were taken to England and held in prisons, such as the infamous Dartmoor. The stone walls of Dartmoor, located in Devonshire, enclosed 400 barracks and, according to prisoner of war Charles Andrews, “death itself,…

Did the Peace Committee betray POWs?

But 50 years after the war’s peak years of 1967 and 1968, it serves to show how the bitter divisions extended even to the prison camps, and how deep they remain. Some former POWs still believe the Peace Committee members betrayed fellow prisoners and their country.