
Why are funerals held at void decks?

Why are funerals held at void decks?

In today’s context, funeral wakes are held at void decks out of convenience rather than superstition as they make it more convenient for the bereaved family members to rest at home and for neighbours to attend the wake.

What is void deck wedding?

Unlike a hotel banquet where you have a space for a fixed number of people for a fixed amount of time, a void deck can be booked for a few nights, allowing the married couple to accommodate different guests on different days.

Why are Malay weddings held at void decks?

Since the home is too small to fit the numbers of guests attending these function, they are held at the void deck near the home instead.

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What is a wake after death?

Wakes began as vigils after death, a way of watching over a loved one after their passing and spending a private moment together before burial. Wakes used to be held in private homes, but it is much more common for a wake to be held at a funeral home today.

Can I do wedding at void deck?

Wedding receptions will soon be allowed at Housing Board common areas managed by town councils, like void decks. Regardless of their ethnicity, couples and wedding organisers will need to first submit their event details to SMCCI and obtain a letter of acknowledgement. They can do it from Nov 9.

What should I wear to a Malay wedding?

The dress code for the wedding proper is conservative – modest clothing that isn’t revealing and headscarves for women. The easiest option is traditional Malay clothes (baju kurung/kebaya for women; baju melayu for men).

Are weddings allowed in Singapore?

Wedding receptions will continue to be allowed subject to the following attendance limits: (A) Wedding receptions at external venues (i) Up to 250 attendees Pre-event testing required for all attendees unless the attendee has a cleared status (refer to Q5 for categories of person with cleared status).

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What does it mean to have a marriage solemnized?

1 : to observe or honor with solemnity. 2 : to perform with pomp or ceremony especially : to celebrate (a marriage) with religious rites.

How much money do you give for a Malay wedding?

At Malay weddings, ang bao are appreciated as blessings. Most people gift according to the wedding venue. Bob Mubarak, 37, Business Manager, tells us, “Recommended figures are $10-$30 for weddings held at a void deck, $30-$50 for weddings in a country club, and $50-$80 for hotel weddings.”