
Why are my AdSense ads not showing up?

Why are my AdSense ads not showing up?

• There are many reasons why the website doesn’t get approved, but the most common one is if your website has duplicate content. Another reason why Google AdSense is not accepting your website is insufficient content. For example, sites that contain mostly images or videos may also not be approved to show ads.

How do I know if my AdSense account is active?

Sign in to your AdSense account. Click Sites. In the list of sites, find your site and check its status.

What should I do after AdSense approval?

Here are some of the things that you should do after getting approval for adsense.

  • Create a blogger blog and start writing more on the niche you like to write about.
  • Read terms and conditions of adsense.
  • Use EU cookie notification on your blog.
  • Add privacy policy and about page on your blog that has adsense ads.
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How long does AdSense take to pay?

You’ll receive your payment up to seven business days after it was issued. If you haven’t received it by the end of the month, follow up with your banking institution. Note: If the 21st falls on a weekend or holiday, payments may be issued on the first business day following the 21st of that month.

Why have I not received my AdSense payment?

If your payment hasn’t arrived after 15 business days, you should contact your bank. Your payment has failed due to one of the following reasons: The bank details in your payee profile don’t match exactly the details of your bank account. Your bank account number is invalid.

Why are my Google ads not showing up on my website?

It’s possible that your Google ads aren’t showing simply because they’ve been paused—or because the ad groups or campaigns that house them have been paused. If this is the case, all you need to do is switch them from Paused to Enabled. Obviously, any ad that’s been disapproved is ineligible to show to users.