
Why are popcorn ceilings out of style?

Why are popcorn ceilings out of style?

Popcorn ceilings were made to bolster the room’s acoustics via the reduction of ambient sounds and echoes. However, acoustic ceilings have become somewhat obsolete in new homes and modern homeowners and buyers do not find them aesthetically appealing as they also give the home an outdated and old appearance.

Are popcorn ceilings coming back in style?

No. When left intact and undisturbed, these materials do not pose a health risk to people living in it. Despite the outdated style, and, well, asbestos, popcorn ceilings still top many homes throughout the US. But, if you are looking into buying a new property, you’re going to want that sucker gone.

Why are popcorn ceilings considered poor?

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The main issue with popcorn ceilings is that they contain asbestos. Homes built before the 1970s likely have popcorn ceilings that contain asbestos. It was only during that decade that a ban on asbestos was passed. However, the ban did not state that asbestos-containing popcorn texture could not be used.

Does popcorn ceiling affect home value?

While this may not seem worth it mathematically, just having popcorn ceilings can decrease the value of the home by simply making it less appealing. By removing popcorn ceilings, you are increasing your home value and ridding your home of the “outdated” look.

When did they quit using asbestos in popcorn ceilings?

In 1977, the U.S. Government banned the use of asbestos in ceiling finishes, and most ceilings installed after this date will not contain asbestos. It is still possible, however, that materials manufactured before 1977 were installed in homes after the ban.

Are all popcorn ceilings asbestos?

Popcorn ceilings generally contain between 1 and 10 percent asbestos. However, popcorn ceilings are constructed from highly friable (crumbly) materials, and even the slightest disturbance can release toxic asbestos dust into the air.

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Should I remove popcorn ceiling to sell my house?

By removing popcorn ceilings, you are increasing your home value and ridding your home of the “outdated” look. One important note: If the popcorn was added before 1979, get it tested for asbestos. Scrap the ceiling with a ceiling scraper or putty knife· Using long, even strokes, it should scrape right off!