
Why did the hound steal the silver?

Why did the hound steal the silver?

In exchange for the farmer’s kindness and trust, the Hound beat him and stole his silver – telling a horrified Arya that the small family wouldn’t have survived the coming winter anyway.

Did the hound kill the farmer?

The house, for those who might not remember, is where the Hound viciously beat a father, leaving him and his daughter to fend for themselves or starve to death. Now, however, the Hound is dealing with an emotion he hasn’t had to contend with before: guilt.

Did the hound know the people he buried?

However, The Hound seems put out and later buries the bodies. That’s because he knows them. Sort of. He met the father and daughter when they were alive way back in the season 4 episode, Breaker of Chains.

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Why does the Hound work for the Lannisters?

Therefore not only are the Cleganes Lannister Bannermen, but they also owe their position entirely to the Lannisters. Further, his service to the Lannisters keeps him under their “protection” from his brother, and keeps him separate from Gregor as well.

Who were the people clegane buries?

Who were they? The man and his daughter’s skeletons belong to the farmers we saw in “Breaker of Chains”, back in “GOT” Season 4. In that episode, The Hound is traveling with Arya to deliver the young Stark in the hands of her aunt, Lysa Arryn.

Who did clegane bury in got?

the Hound
While Daenerys finally reaching Westeros was the big payoff Game of Thrones fans have been waiting ages for, the season seven premiere, “Dragonstone,” had another moment of personal revelation that, while quieter, was no less poignant: After taking refuge at a seemingly abandoned farm, Sandor “the Hound” Clegane buries …

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Who was the Hounds dad?

Gregor Clegane Sandor
The second Clegane was the father of Gregor and Sandor Clegane….Clegane (father of Gregor and Sandor)

Title(s) Ser Knight of Clegane’s Keep
Culture(s) Westermen
Spouse(s) Unknown
Issue Gregor Clegane Sandor Clegane Daughter
Father Clegane

Why did The Hound turn on Joffrey?

During the Battle of the Blackwater, he initially comports himself bravely, but the fire really shakes him. It’s possible his memories of childhood flooded back, which is why he became disillusioned in regards to knighthood and duty.

Why does The Hound protect Joffrey?

Originally Answered: Why is The Hound protecting Joffrey Baratheon, if House Clegane sworn to the Lannisters? because he’s literally a full Lannister. , Reader and Watcher of GoT. The Hound, being a second son, is essentially on his own.

Is The Hound good or bad?

He is certainly not a moral character, but he also has redeeming qualities. Much of the first four seasons are devoted to his moral ambiguity before he becomes more of a full-on hero in the later seasons. These are the five most despicable things The Hound ever did (and five times he was a hero).

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Who did The Hound bury in Game of Thrones?

The skeletons of the farmer and his daughter. When the Brotherhood Without Banners travel north with the Hound, they stop off at a hut which Sandor recognizes as belonging to the farmer. When they enter looking for shelter from the cold, they find the long dead bodies of the farmer and his daughter.

What Castle does Daenerys go to in season 7?

Dragonstone castle
Daenerys Targaryen arrives at her ancestral home. Ultimately, Daenerys lands her fleet at Dragonstone without opposition. She and her followers enter Dragonstone castle, and she assumes control, to begin planning her invasion of the rest of Westeros.