
Why did Thucydides write about the plague of Athens?

Why did Thucydides write about the plague of Athens?

Thucydides’ description of the Plague of Athens stands first and foremost as a narrative masterpiece, that aimed to fulfill dramatic purposes (Morgan 1994, Horstmanshoff 1993) and function as an actual political argumentation beyond a mere empirical observation of an epidemic; Thomas Morgan suggests that Thucydides’ …

How did Thucydides approach the writing of history?

Thucydides wrote only about events that occurred during his lifetime that he could verify through examination of written records and eyewitness accounts. He strived for complete objectivity, and in this way he pioneered the historical method used by historians today.

What did Thucydides say was the real cause of the Peloponnesian War quizlet?

The real cause for war was the growth of Athens’s power and the fear it caused in Sparta. We can learn that fear is still a major component in war today.

How did Thucydides influence history?

With his History of the Peloponnesian War, Thucydides chronicled what was perhaps the most momentous event of the ancient Greek world. He explored the major personalities on each side of the conflict and examined the political origins of the clash between Sparta and an ascendant Athens.

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What was Thucydides famous for?

Thucydides is the author of History of the Peloponnesian War, a sweeping contemporary account of the nearly three-decade conflict between Athens and Sparta for dominance of the Greek world. The eight-volume work is regarded as one of the finest works of history ever written.

What lessons do you think Thucydides wants us to draw from the experience?

22 Life Lessons From Thucydides

  • History is philosophy teaching by examples.
  • Write for future generations.
  • Tyrannies are born from love of wealth.
  • Don’t do injustice to those who are weaker to you.
  • Self-control.
  • The past will help us today.
  • Double-down on our hustle.
  • Don’t just say ‘yes’ without thinking.

What did Thucydides think was the reason for war between Athens and Sparta?

According to Thucydides, the growth of Athens’s ‘power and the alarm which this inspired in Lacedaemon (Sparta) made war inevitable.” Thucydides believed that the Peloponnesian War was inevitable because when a rising power confronted another power, they would inevitably wage war against each other to further or …

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What does Thucydides pinpoint as the main causes of the Peloponnesian War which ones were underlying causes which ones were triggers?

What was the real cause of the Peloponnesian War according to Thucydides?

A number of sources of friction sparked the hostilities, notably Athenian intervention in a quarrel between Corinth (Sparta’s ally) and her colony Corcyra, but the real reason for the conflict, according to the Athenian historian Thucydides, was the rise of Athens to greatness, which made the Spartans fear for their …