
Why do lights have a frequency?

Why do lights have a frequency?

Light waves also come in many frequencies. The frequency is the number of waves that pass a point in space during any time interval, usually one second. The amount of energy in a light wave is proportionally related to its frequency: High frequency light has high energy; low frequency light has low energy.

What is frequency in light as a particle?

Answer: Light is electromagnetic radiation and exhbits dual nature, wave and particle. if you consider light is wave, intensity is related to light radiation energy and frequency is the number of waves per second. if you consider light is particle, each particle in the light radiation is called photon.

Why is light a wave and not a particle?

Light can be described both as a wave and as a particle. There are two experiments in particular that have revealed the dual nature of light. When we’re thinking of light as being made of of particles, these particles are called “photons”. Photons have no mass, and each one carries a specific amount of energy.

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Can particles have frequency?

One of the first things you learn about quantum mechanics is that particles have a wavelength, and thus a frequency. This means basically the particle oscillates, even if it doesn’t move, with a frequency directly linked to its mass.

Does light intensity depend on frequency?

Yes, the intensity depends, in part, on the frequency. if N is the monochromatic photon emission rate (photons per second), ν is the frequency of the photons, and A is the area these photons are hitting.

What happens to light particles when light hits an uneven surface?

When light strikes a rough surface, incoming light rays reflect at all sorts of angles because the surface is uneven. This scattering occurs in many of the objects we encounter every day. When light hits paper, the waves are reflected in all directions.

Who said light is a particle?

Einstein explained the photoelectric effect by saying that “light itself is a particle,” and for this he received the Nobel Prize in Physics.

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How can light exist without mass?

Since photons (particles of light) have no mass, they must obey E = pc and therefore get all of their energy from their momentum. But an object with zero energy and zero mass is nothing at all. Therefore, if an object with no mass is to physically exist, it can never be at rest. Such is the case with light.