
Why do people Downvote questions?

Why do people Downvote questions?

There is a common situation on SO where people don’t have the ability to ask a good question because they don’t understand the concepts at hand well enough. If they were able to ask the question eloquently, they probably wouldn’t need to ask it.

What happens if you Downvote?

of downvotes an answer receives, the answer will be collapsed. If you downvote a question, the question will be removed from your feed.

Why do people Downvote questions on StackOverflow?

Even veteran StackOverflow users like yours truly get their questions downvoted sometimes. Sometimes, some users will downvote your questions just because they find them uninteresting or because they feel like they would be annoying to answer (I myself have been tempted to do this before).

Does Downvotes affect karma?

You cannot buy Reddit karma even on Reddit premium or by Reddit coins. You get score when people upvote your posts or comments, and you lose karma when you are downvoted by the people. If a post or a comment receives enough downvotes, it disappears from the thread.

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What means Downvote?

verb (used with or without object), down·vot·ed, down·vot·ing. to cast a vote against (an online comment, article, etc.) such an unfavorable vote.

Why do people Downvote on Stack Exchange?

Downvoting for me has always been a way to show that a question was not asked in a clear and concise manner. Or in many cases, with enough supporting information or examples to help the community understand the problem so that they can assist with coming up with a solution.

Do you know who Downvotes you on Reddit?

As the above answer state, you cannot tell who is downvoting your Reddit posts. Best advice would be to learn what the individual subreddits like, post on them for approval, and then post a picture of your high karma despite the hater who is blanket downvoting you.

Should I delete Downvoted comments?

When you get a downvote, do check the post and try to see if it lacks something you missed. If it does, edit it. If the post looks terrible to you, delete it. If you feel it is fine, just ignore the donwvote: someone will appreciate it more in the future, for sure.

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Can you Downvote on twitter?

Twitter’s downvoting test is rolling out to more users globally. This feature lets you downvote replies but it won’t be public or visible to the author. Twitter said this is not a dislike button, and downvoting won’t change the order of the replies.