
Why do people say amount instead of number?

Why do people say amount instead of number?

Quantity at a Glance. – Amount should be used when you’re talking about a singular noun that CAN’T be measured. – Number should be used when you’re referring to a singular or plural noun that CAN be counted. –Quantity should be used for an inanimate, single or plural noun that CAN be counted or measured.

Why do Americans say bring when they should say take?

English (other than American English) has a clear differentiation between the two words. Both are about moving something. In “bring” the something of somebody is moved to where the speaker is currently situated. “Take” is used to indicate moving something or somebody to a place that the speaker is not currently at.

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Is it wrong to say amount of people?

Although it is grammatically correct to say a number of people, in casual English it is common to hear the amount of people. The amount of people is frequently used but not actually right. Be aware of this especially in formal situations or English language tests.

Is it the amount of people or the number of people?

This is a pretty good start, we see that “number of people” is consistently more common over the past few years. Refining a bit by downloading the data into Microsoft Excel: Over time, it appears about 17\% of the usage of the two falls towards “amount of people” meaning 83\% goes towards “number of people”.

Why do Americans mix up bring and take?

American English does differentiate, just differently from British English. I would say that part of the distinction in English is that “bring” puts the emphasis on the object going to somewhere (with you) and “take” puts the emphasis on the object coming from somewhere (with you).

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What’s the difference between number and amount?

Although amount and number both refer to quantity, and although plenty of people use them interchangeably, there is a difference. In other words, number refers to items we can count. By contrast, amount refers to how much of something there is: how much stimulation, how much resistance, or how much liquid.

Which is correct the amount of people or the number of people?

Is large amount of people correct?

If you use a large number of, you have to use a plural noun- men. You would only use a singular noun to describe a quantity when there is only one, or the noun is uncountable, for example sugar. For non-count nouns, you would use amount rather than number.