
Why do phone numbers have dashes?

Why do phone numbers have dashes?

The reason there is a hyphen or decimal between digits in a telephone number is to simply allow the user and the exchange to determine where and whom the calls destination will be. The hyphens decimals, spaces, etc are not standard across all nations.

Does a phone number have a dash or hyphen?

For fixed line and mobile phone numbers, a dash is written in between the area/mobile code and the subscriber number, with an optional space before the last four digits of the subscriber number.

Do you put a dash after area code?

North American phone numbers To format phone numbers in the US, Canada, and other NANP (North American Numbering Plan) countries, enclose the area code in parentheses followed by a space, and then hyphenate the three-digit exchange code with the four-digit number.

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Is there a space between area code and phone number?

Include a space between the area code and the local prefix. Separate the local prefix and the last four numbers with a dash. Abbreviate the word “extension” and separate it from the phone number with a comma when including a telephone number with an extension, such as (859) 555-1212, ext. 6731.

What is the dash in a phone number called?

The dash (—), also called the em dash, is the long horizontal bar, much longer than a hyphen. Few keyboards have a dash, but a word processor can usually produce one in one way or another. If your keyboard can’t produce a dash, you will have to resort to a hyphen as a stand-in.

What is dash in phone number?

The en dash is used to represent a span or range of numbers, dates, or time. There should be no space between the en dash and the adjacent material. Depending on the context, the en dash is read as “to” or “through.”

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What kind of dash goes between dates?

en dash
An en dash is a mid-sized dash (longer than a hyphen but shorter than an em dash) that is mostly used to show ranges in numbers and dates.