
Why do we say that iodometric titration is a redox reaction?

Why do we say that iodometric titration is a redox reaction?

A redox titration is a type of titration based on a redox reaction between the analyte and titrant. Iodine (I2) can be reduced to iodide (I−) by, say, thiosulfate (S 2O2−3, and when all iodine is spent the blue colour disappears. This is called an iodometric titration.

What is the equivalence point of a redox titration?

A redox titration’s equivalence point occurs when we react stoichiometrically equivalent amounts of titrand and titrant. As is the case with acid–base and complexation titrations, we estimate the equivalence point of a complexation titration using an experimental end point.

What is meant by Standardisation in chemistry?

Standardization is the process of determining the exact concentration (molarity) of a solution. Titration is one type of analytical procedure often used in standardization. In a titration, an exact volume of one substance is reacted with a known amount of another substance.

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What is redox titration write standardization of potassium permanganate?

Redox titration determines the concentration of an unknown solution (analyte) that contains an oxidizing or reducing agent. Not all titrations require an external indicator. Some titrants can serve as their own indicators, such as when potassium permanganate is titrated against a colorless analyte.

Why analysts standardize KMnO4 solution before assay of any test sample?

Some chemical reactions are very sensitive to the exact amount of reagents used otherwise the reaction will not work properly. Once the exact concentration has been determined, the solution is said to be standardized and you can then add exact amounts of the KMnO4 to a chemical reaction.

How do you standardize permanganate?

As potassium permanganate is not a primary standard it can be standardized by using sodium oxalate or oxalic acid. The former is preferred over oxalic acid as available in a higher standard of purity (99.95\%).

Why do we standardize potassium permanganate?

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What Does It Mean by Standardization of Potassium Permanganate? (Aim) It means to determine the strength of potassium permanganate with a standard solution of oxalic acid. This reaction helps to study the oxidation and reduction theory.

What is redox equation?

An oxidation-reduction (redox) reaction is a type of chemical reaction that involves a transfer of electrons between two species. The oxidation state of an individual atom is 0. The total oxidation state of all atoms in: a neutral species is 0 and in an ion is equal to the ion charge.