
Why do you think there is an obesity problem in America?

Why do you think there is an obesity problem in America?

As for what is driving America’s chronic weight problem, there are no definite answers. Scientific studies often reach conflicting conclusions, meaning many theories are out there, but the preponderance of evidence points to the two causes most people already suspect: too much food and too little exercise.

Is the obesity epidemic exaggerated?

An abundance of observational and experimental data show the growing prevalence of obesity, defined as a body mass index ≥30, and the causal role of obesity in adverse health outcomes. These data substantiate our position that the seriousness of the obesity epidemic is not exaggerated.

Do you think obesity is an epidemic in the United States?

Despite growing recognition of the problem, the obesity epidemic continues in the U.S., and obesity rates are increasing around the world. The latest estimates are that approximately 34\% of adults and 15–20\% of children and adolescents in the U.S. are obese. Obesity affects every segment of the U.S. population.

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Is America the most obese country?

Among OECD countries, the United States is the most obese (36.2\%). According to WHO, more than 1.9 billion adults worldwide were overweight, including 650 million who were obese, in 2016.

What is the extent of the overweight and obesity problem in the United States what are its costs?

Rising Costs One recent study from Harvard’s School of Public Health estimates obesity may account for as much as $190 billion annually or 21\% of all U.S. medical expenses. Per capita, the cost of medical care for obese patients is estimated to be somewhere between 36\% to 150\% higher than for non-obese patients.

How does obesity affect the US economy?

Besides excess health care expenditure, obesity also imposes costs in the form of lost productivity and foregone economic growth as a result of lost work days, lower productivity at work, mortality and permanent disability.