
Why does dsp2 hybridization form square planar complexes?

Why does dsp2 hybridization form square planar complexes?

With the oxidation number of +2, Nickel has 8 electrons in its 3d shell and for the formation of square planar shape, two unpaired d-electrons are paired up as the energy will be provided by the approaching ligands, this will make one of the 3d orbitals empty.

Which hybridization has square planar geometry?

The remaining four atoms connected to the central atom gives the molecule a square planar shape….Square Planar.

Shape: square planar
Polar/NonPolar: NonPolar
Hybridization: sp3d2
Example: XeF4

What is the shape of dsp2 orbital?

The dsp2 hybrid orbitals are inner orbital complexes in which the electrons get paired up due to the presence of a strong field ligand. So, the electron pairs of the ligands occupy one d orbital, one s orbital and then 2 p orbitals in a square planar geometry.

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Which complex has dsp2 hybridization and square planar shape?

The empty 3d, 3s and two 4p orbitals undergo dsp2 hybridization to make bonds with CN- ligands in square planar geometry. Thus [Ni(CN)4]2- is diamagnetic. It is said to be a low spin inner orbital complex. The dsp2 hybridisation in [Ni(CN)4]2- ion is shown below.

What is the hybridisation of square planar complex?

A square planar complex results from dsp2- hybridisation involving (n-1)dx2-y2,ns,npx and npy atomic orbitals.

Why is ptcl4 square planar?

Platinum has 6 valence electrons. A strong repulsion with the electron and ligand take place in between the platinum which leads to a strong crystal field splitting. Thus, the splitting breaks the degeneracy of dx2-y2 and dz2. This degeneracy stabilizes more to the square planar arrangement than the tetrahedral.

Which of the following compound has dsp2 hybridization?


Which of the molecule is planar?

The correct answer is (B) C2H4. Ethylene – C2H4 is a planar molecule.