
Why does every girl in one piece look like Nami?

Why does every girl in one piece look like Nami?

Short answer: Because Nami has an unrealistic large chest and Sakura doesn’t, nor is she sexualized if at all to the extent that Nami is.

Does one piece have well written female characters?

It’s not that One Piece has perfect women, but the issues aren’t in their stories. The character most obsessed with love and romance is actually Sanji, the cook of the Straw Hat crew, who falls for any beautiful woman he see and happily does anything Nami or Robin ask with hearts in his eyes.

Who is the best looking girl in one piece?

This list ranks the cutest women in One Piece, from members of the Straw Hat crew like Nami and Robin, to side characters like Shirahoshi and Shyarly….The Cutest One Piece Anime Girls

  • Nefeltari Vivi. Photo: user uploaded image.
  • Rebecca. Photo: user uploaded image.
  • Nami.
  • Makino.
  • Nico Robin.
  • Boa Hancock.
  • Shirahoshi.
  • Baby 5.
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Does one piece have strong female?

One Piece is host to some of the strongest and most influential female characters in the anime world. Some of them rank among some of the strongest of Marines. Others are leading entire tirades with their own pirate crews.

Is Nefertari Vivi a straw hat?

Vivi is the princess of Alabasta and the daughter of King Kobra Nefertari. She infiltrated Baroque Works to find out the identity of the boss of the organization but got caught in the process. Vivi chose to stay behind, however, she remains to be an honorary Strawhat to this day.

Who is the hottest guy in One Piece?

Ace is the hottest guy in One Piece, not literally. Even without his fire, he’d smoke all the boys out. He is also short-tempered which makes his head hot.

Why does Sanji’s poster say only alive?

It’s because sanji is a prince of the Germa kingdom, but he was hated by his father and brothers for not being a violent beast. This was influenced by the Germa kingdom who used its ties with the world government to ensure Sanji would be captured alive.