
Why does rollover phenomenon occur?

Why does rollover phenomenon occur?

This can often be demonstrated through audiological testing by a phenomenon called “rollover,” in which speech discrimination scores decrease as the volume of the speech stimulus increases. Such marked reductions in speech discrimination scores are not invariable, however.

What is rollover phenomenon?

Rollover is the phenomenon of rapid release of large amount of LNG vapor because of stratification [8,9,10,11]. The potential stratification appears when two or more layers with different densities exist in the LNG storage tank. This difference in densities might occur due to different LNG sources or compositions [12].

What is rollover in audiology?

Audiology A popular term for the shape of the curve in speech discrimination–SD audiometry, related to a defect in retrocochlear cranial nerve VIII, in which SD improves as sound intensity ↑ until a maximum–PBmax is reached, after which SD worsens. See Hearing test.

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What causes a Retrocochlear hearing loss?

Retrocochlear disorder is a disorder occurring at the central or neural nerve that causes hearing impairment. Among the causes of retrocochlear disorder include infections, tumors, head trauma, inflammation, vascular disorders and neurological problem.

What is a Retrocochlear lesion?

What is retrocochlear hearing loss? Retrocochlear hearing loss is a term used to describe a neural or central hearing loss which occurs beyond the cochlea, affecting the vestibulocochlear nerve (auditory nerve) or central auditory system.

What is recruitment in ear?

Recruitment, in medicine, is a physical condition of the inner ear that leads to reduced tolerance of loudness. It commonly occurs in individuals who suffer hearing loss due to cochlear damage. Within this wide dynamic range of hearing lies an approximately 35-dB dynamic range of conversational speech.

What is cochlear pathology?

Cochlear supporting cells actively participate in the process of hair cell elimination and scar formation by rapidly expanding and sealing the reticular lamina, the barrier between endolymph and perilymph. This scarring process helps preserve the remaining hair cells and hearing.

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What does Retrocochlear hearing loss mean?

Retrocochlear hearing loss occurs when the auditory nerve (1) itself is affected. Although sound is processed properly by the inner ear (2), the auditory nerve has difficulty transmitting it to the brain. People affected tend to have trouble listening in the presence of background noise.

What is the Retrocochlear system?

Retrocochlear. Retrocochlear hearing loss occurs when the auditory nerve (1) itself is affected. Although sound is processed properly by the inner ear (2), the auditory nerve has difficulty transmitting it to the brain. People affected tend to have trouble listening in the presence of background noise.

What is Retrocochlear pathology?

Definition. Pathological processes involving the vestibulocochlear nerve; brainstem; or central nervous system. When hearing loss is due to retrocochlear pathology, it is called retrocochlear hearing loss. [ from MONDO]