
Why does the climate of coastal region is neither too hot nor too cold during summer season?

Why does the climate of coastal region is neither too hot nor too cold during summer season?

Compared to land, water takes longer to heat and cool. Thus, oceans heat up and cool down slower than the land around them. Cool sea breeze keeps the coastal areas cooler in summer and warmer in winter than places far away from the sea. That is why Chennai is neither very hot in summer nor very cold in winter.

Why the coastal plains are neither too hot nor too cold?

Coastal places have moderate climate because they are neither too hot nor so cold. This is because of water present nearby to the area which controls the heat and spread the moisture. Being on the coast people alsoexperience humidity. Whereas places far away from sea enjoy extreme climates either too hot or too cold.

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Why do places near the sea are neither hot or cold but places in the inner part of continents have extreme climate?

Because water has higher heat capacity than land surface, it changes temperature more slowly. The result is that temperature changes between day and night happen faster on land than over water.

Why there is no cold in coastal areas?

Coastal areas have moderate temperature because the land absorbs and radiates heat much faster than sea. So, during the day cool air from sea rush towards the land and during night cool air from the land rush towards sea.

What is the climate in coastal areas?

Why are coastal areas warmer?

Water has a higher heat capacity than soil and rock, so the ocean takes much longer to heat and to cool than the land. Coastal areas will generally have more moderate temperatures than inland areas because of the heat capacity of the ocean.

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Why is the climate of the coastal plains moderate?

Coastal areas have moderate temperature because the land absorbs and radiates heat much faster than sea. So, during the day cool air from sea rush towards the land and during night cool air from the land rush towards sea. These breezes make the climate near the sea shore moderate.

What is the climate of coastal area?

Coastal Climate. The climate of the Coastal Plain is mild, with hot summers and cool winters with few hard freezes. Precipitation is high, particularly along the coast, and seasonal. Although the Coastal Plain experiences temperatures below freezing each winter, temperatures average in the 50s.

Why does the climate differ from place to place?

Essentially, there arc two main reasons that climate varies from place to place; first, the amount of energy arriving from the sun, and second the circulation of the atmosphere and oceans which carry heat and moisture from one placc to another.

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Why are coastal areas warmer in the winter?

Why are coastal areas hot?