
Why does the military call the liquor store Class 6?

Why does the military call the liquor store Class 6?

When the military privatised the PX / BX system (AAFESS now called The Exchange for army and air force) the name class 6 stuck. They are like your package stores (alcohol only, restricted licenses) you find in some states.

What is a Class 6 store?

Class Six Stores sell alcohol, and related items, such as mixers, soda, cigarettes, and drinking cups. Similar items are found at the POST or Base Exchange, but the primary function of Class Six Stores on military installations is alcohol sales.

What is a Class 5 store?

Class V – Ammunition, explosives, and chemical agents of all types.

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What do you call the store on a military base?

The commissary
Commissaries are basically your neighborhood grocery store, located on military installations worldwide. The commissary sells food and household items at prices that are often below other grocery stores.

Is alcohol allowed on military bases?

While the law and Department of Defense directives allow drinking on-base by those under the age of 21 if the base is located within 50 miles of a country that allows a lower drinking age, the Secretary of the Navy issued a Navy policy (which included the Marine Corps), which prohibited the practice.

Who can buy alcohol on military bases?

The armed forces usually have followed state laws on the sale of hard liquor, but base commanders were given latitude in allowing the sale of beer to active-duty personnel under age 21 on bases or ships.

Is liquor sold on military bases?

Actually, spirits, along with beer and wine, have been available for years on military bases, but through other channels, like the base exchange, which is similar to a department store. Sales of beer, wine, and spirits at the exchanges will continue unchanged under the new commissary policy.

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What does PX stand for in the Army?

Post Exchange
PX: Post Exchange. A store at a military installation that sells merchandise and services to military personnel and authorized civilians.