
Why is Alice called VIX in The Magicians?

Why is Alice called VIX in The Magicians?

At one point in The Magicians (the first book and in season 1 of the TV series), Quentin and Alice transform into foxes and then resolve their sexual tension in that form. This begins the romantic part of their relationship arc. A female fox is a “vixen”, which could plausibly be shortened to “vix” as a nickname.

What happened between Quinton and Alice?

Quentin and Alice broke up when he got drunk and ended up in bed with Margo and Eliot. To take the revenge, Alice slept with Penny. Unfortunately, they both were heartbroken.

Did Quentin cheat on Alice?

In the books, his main love is Alice, who dies at the end of the first novel, but is later brought back. Their relationship ends when Quentin cheats on Alice in a threesome with his best friend Eliot and Janet (Margo in the show). Alice and Quentin start to rekindle their romance in season 4 of the show.

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Why did Alice become a Niffin?

The power of a Niffin has been compared to that of a god: Alice Quinn specifically allowed herself to become a Niffin in order to kill The Beast who wielded magical abilities strong enough to subdue deities. She later expressed the possibility of being able to kill Reynard the Fox.

What does Quentin call Alice?

In a brief bit of dialogue, Quentin soothingly refers to Alice as “Vix”; apparently, “’Vix’ was a term of endearment with them… an allusion to their Antarctic interlude [in which they became a couple].” This nickname never again appears in the novel.

Does Alice sleep with Penny?

Penny and Alice don’t really have a romantic relationship. In fact, they don’t even really have a ton of interactions in the series as a whole. Alice did, however, go to Penny when Quentin cheated on her early in the series. She asked Penny for a no strings attached hookup simply to get back at Quentin.

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Did Quentin love Eliot or Alice?

Promoted to Love Interest – In the novels, Eliot and Quentin are friends, but did drunkenly hook up exactly one. In the SyFy adaptation, they fall in love and Eliot becomes Quentin’s main love interest in season 4. He first falls in love with Alice, and their romantic relationship is the main one of seasons 1 and 2.

In what episode of The Magicians does Alice become a Niffin?

Divine Eliminations
Spoilers ahead for Season 2, Episode of The Magicians “Divine Eliminations.” The big news in the latest episode is that Alice bites it.

Does Quentin call Alice VIX?