
Why is GaAs preferred over Si?

Why is GaAs preferred over Si?

The GaAs is better inspite of its higher band gap than Si because it absorbs relatively more energy from the incident solar radiation being of relatively hogher absorption coefficient.

Why GaAs or Ge diode is preferred over Si diode for high speed applications?

The structure of Germanium crystals will be destroyed at higher temperature. However, Silicon crystals are not easily damaged by excess heat. Peak Inverse Voltage ratings of Silicon diodes are greater than Germanium diodes. Si is less expensive due to the greater abundance of element.

Why Si is more popular over GE in wafers?

So why is silicon g – germanium preferred and why are silicon and g germanium both preferred? The variation of the collector cross-section temperature is lower in silicon than in germanium. This means that silicon has a much smaller collector and thus a higher power output.

Why gallium arsenide solar cells are preferred over silicon solar cells?

Solar radiation spectrum has maximum intensity for energy value of approximately 1.5 eV. So , semiconductor with band gap ~1.5 eV or less (e.g. Si) are preferred . GaAs has band gap of ~1.53 eV but has very large absorbing capacity hence they are preferred.

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Why silicon and gallium arsenide are more preferred materials for solar cells?

(ii) The energy for the maximum intensity of the solar radiation is nearly equals to 1.5 eV. So, to obtain the photo excitation the energy radiation (h ) must be greater than the energy band gap (Eg). Since Si and GaAs have band gaps of 1.1 eV and 1.53 eV, they are preferred for making solar cells.

What is the difference between Ge and Si diode?

The primary difference between silicon and germanium diodes is the voltage needed for the diode to turn on (or become “forward-biased”). Silicon diodes require 0.7 volts to become forward-biased, whereas germanium diodes require only 0.3 volts to become forward-biased.

Why silicon is preferred over germanium in most of semiconductor devices?

The main reasons for silicon diodes to be preferred over germanium diodes are: Silicon diode is easier to produce than germanium diode due to the widespread availability of silicon. The silicon diode is less sensitive than the germanium diode, hence the operation of silicon diodes is stable with changes in temperature.

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Why is silicon mostly chosen when compared to germanium?

Why is the silicon mostly chosen when compared to germanium? Explanation: The normal working temperature of germanium is approximately 70°C . The other advantages of using a silicon material are, it has a smaller ICBO and its variations are smaller with temperature.

Why is silicon used in microchips?

Silicon is used because it can be used as either an insulator (doesn’t allow electricity to flow) or a semiconductor (allows a little flow of electricity). This is important for making chips.