
Why is nitrophenol is more acidic than phenol?

Why is nitrophenol is more acidic than phenol?

The decrease in electron density of the O – H bond of p-nitrophenol, the polarity of O – H bond decreases. The electron withdrawing group (-NO ), withdraws electrons and disperses the negative charge. Hence p-nitrophenol is more acidic than phenol.

Is O nitrophenol more acidic than phenol?

Ortho and para nitrophenols are more acidic than phenol. Draw the resonance structures of corresponding phenoxide ions. The electron withdrawing groups are more effective in increasing the acidic strength at the para-position relative to the ortho position because of greater dispersal of charge on oxygen atom.

Why is phenol less acidic than nitrophenol?

We should know that phenol is less acidic than O−nitrophenol. We should know that nitro group is an electron-withdrawing group. It means that nitro group decreases electron density on benzene ring and delocalizes negative charge of phenoxide ion. Hence, O−nitrophenol is more acidic than phenol.

Why is phenol less acidic than Ortho Nitrophenol?

Phenoxide is stabilised by resonance effect only and it does not have any electron releasing group. So, it is more acidic than O-methyl phenol and O-methoxy phenol. But the absence of an electron-withdrawing group makes it less acidic than O-nitrophenol.

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Which is less acidic than phenol?

It increases electron density on the benzene ring and does not delocalize negative charge of phenoxide ion. It decreases acidity. So, now we should know that p−methoxyphenol is less acidic than phenol.

Why is phenol more acidic than methyl phenol?

Complete step by step answer: For example the phenol group is far more acidic than methanol because the methoxide ion is very unstable whereas the phenolate ion is stable due to resonance. Methyl phenol shows the electron donating inductive effect, hence it is least acidic among the following.

What makes phenol acidic?

The acidity of phenols is due to its ability to lose hydrogen ion to form phenoxide ions. In a phenol molecule, the sp2hybridised carbon atom of the benzene ring attached directly to the hydroxyl group acts as an electron-withdrawing group. Thus, the phenoxide ion is formed.

Which compound is more acidic than phenol?

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p-nitrophenol is more acidic than phenol.

Which is more acidic phenol or meta Methoxyphenol?

Phenol is more acidic than Methoxy phenol. aromatic rings can exert and inductive effect as well as the resonance effect. When in the ortho,para-positions (relative to the -OH group of phenol), resonance tends to dominate while in the meta-position, the inductive effect is the only effect .