
Why is nitrox used for diving?

Why is nitrox used for diving?

Like everything else in a diver’s bag of gear and knowledge — nitrox is a tool that can be effective when used properly, but dangerous if not. Its purpose is to increase your no stop dive time, so you have longer dives and/or shorter surface intervals, all else being equal and gas supply allowing.

Can you use nitrox in shallow water?

Even though 100\% oxygen at the surface is just fine. It also explains why the use of nitrox on shallow dives results in less nitrogen in the body.

Is nitrox used for deep diving?

However, because of risks associated with oxygen toxicity, divers do not usually use nitrox at greater depths where more pronounced narcosis symptoms are more likely to occur. For deep diving, trimix or heliox gases are typically used; these gases contain helium to reduce the amount of narcotic gases in the mixture.

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What are the advantages of nitrox?

Here are some of the advantages. When used and applied correctly, it will reduce the nitrogen gas accumulation in your body. It can increase actual bottom time by increasing the no-decompression time limits. It may also reduce fatigue after a dive and may shorten your surface interval time between dives.

Should I dive nitrox or air?

Breathing air which is enriched with more oxygen reduces the amount of nitrogen and therefore reduces the risk. A dive on Nitrox will be much safer than the same dive profile on air. Deep for Longer: Other than health & safety benefits, Nitrox scuba dives enable you to stay at depth for longer than air does.

What is the difference between nitrox and air?

What is Nitrox? The technical difference between nitrox and enriched air is like the difference between fruit and apples; apples are a specific type of fruit. Nitrox is where the mix between nitrogen and oxygen is not 79/21, but Enriched Air is more than 21 oxygen molecules per 100.

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How far can you dive with nitrox?

However, when diving on nitrox, the potential for oxygen toxicity lurks well within the depth range of recreational diving: the maximum depth on 32 percent nitrox is 121 feet; on 36 percent nitrox, it’s just over 100 feet. Many divers regularly cruise at these depths and even deeper without giving it a second thought.

What’s the difference between nitrox and air?

What’s the difference between Nitrox and air?

Do you use less air with Nitrox?

Although you are breathing more oxygen and less nitrogen, the amount you breathe and the rate you consume the contents of your tank is not affected by the mixture. In fact, you’re more likely to use your tank’s contents more quickly on Nitrox than on air simply because you will be at deeper depths for longer.

What is the difference between nitrox and Air?