
Why is phenol A stronger acid than ethanol?

Why is phenol A stronger acid than ethanol?

Phenol is more acidic than that of ethanol because phenoxide ion is stabilized through delocalisation. When phenol loses an H+ ion, the ion formed is known as phenoxide ion. Its chemical formula is C6H5−O−. The negative charge formed as a result of losing an H+ ion is not localised in phenol.

Why is phenol more reactive than ethanol?

Hint: Phenol loses its hydrogen ion to form the phenoxide ion which resonates and stabilizes itself and this loss of electrons makes the phenol more acidic than alcohol for example ethanol.

Which is strongest acid between alcohol and phenol Why?

Answer: Phenols react with aqueous sodium hydroxide to produce phenoxide ions. This indicates that the acidity of phenols is higher in comparison to the alcohols. The phenoxide ion is stabilized by the delocalization of negative charge due to the resonance in the benzene ring.

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Why ethanol is weaker acid than phenol?

(i) Aniline. (ii) Chlorobenzene and steam at 698K? Draw structure of DDT. Write its environmental effects.

What is the pKa of phenol?

The pKa value for phenol is 10.0, and two series of substituted phenols are given: 2-fluorophenol, 3-fluorophenol, and 4-fluorophenol have pKa values of 8.7, 9.3, and 9.9, respectively; 2-nitrophenol, 3-nitrophenol, and 4-nitrophenol have pKa values of 7.2, 8.4, and 7.2, respectively.

Why is alcohol less reactive than phenol?

Phenol is more acidic than alcohols due to stabilisation of phenoxide ion through resonance. Presence of electron withdrawing group increases the acidity of phenol by , stabilising phenoxide ion while presence of electron releasing group decreases the acidity of phenol by destabilising phenoxide ion.

Is phenol or ethanol more acidic?

Answer: The acidic substance has the tendency to produce H+ ions when dissolved in water. Both phenol and ethanol are weak acids. However, the acidity of phenol is more than that of ethanol.

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What is the pKa value of phenol?

Is ethanol weaker than phenol?

Ethanol is a weaker acid than phenol.