
Why is Rehabilitation Council of India important?

Why is Rehabilitation Council of India important?

The Rehabilitation Council of India has been set up as a Statutory Body under an Act of Parliament and its specific role is to develop, standardize and regulate training programmes/ courses at various levels in the field of Rehabilitation and Special Education.

What is RCI registration for psychologist?

To become a registered clinical psychologist in India you need to take a licence from Rehabilitation Council of India (RCI). Course mentioned below are approved by RCI and after completion of the any of below course you will get a licence from RCI, and you can start your practice as a Clinical psychologist in India.

What is Rehabilitation Council of India describe the function of Rehabilitation Council of India?

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Ans. The Rehabilitation Council of India has been set up as a Statutory Body under an Act of Parliament and its specific role is to develop, standardize and regulate training programmes/ courses at various levels in the field of Rehabilitation and Special Education.

What are the provision of Rehabilitation Council of India Act 1992?

[1st September, 1992.] monitoring the training of rehabilitation professionals and personnel, promoting research in rehabilitation and special education,] the maintenance of a Central Rehabilitation Register and for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto.

What is Rehabilitation Council of India Act 1992?

Rehabilitation Council of India Act 1992 The RCI Act was enacted on 1st September 1992 in order to regulate the training of rehabilitation professionals and the maintenance of a Central Rehabilitation Register and for matters connected therewith. The RCI Act became a Statutory Body on 22nd 1993.

What is Rehabilitation Council of India describe the functions of Rehabilitation Council of India?

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The Rehabilitation Council of India (RCI) is the apex government body, set up under an Act of Parliament, to regulate training programmes and courses targeted at disabled, disadvantaged, and special education requirement communities.