
Why is stress done in a girder?

Why is stress done in a girder?

The portion of the end block of the girder should be properly concreted. Weak concrete leads to puncture of tube unit & hence stressing should be done only if concrete is capable of taking the load. It should be ensured that the bursting reinforcement in the end block zone is adequately & properly installed.

What is pre stressed concrete bridge?

A concrete beam is “prestressed’ because stress is created before, or “pre,” the actual use of the beam when the working stress is applied.

Which one of the following point is not included in inspection of bridge Substructre?

Which of the following is not the component of substructure of a bridge? d) Roadway. The roadway is not the component of substructure, it is a component of superstructure of a bridge.

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What is a concrete girder?

(gûr′dər) A beam, as of steel, wood, or reinforced concrete, used as a main horizontal support in a building or bridge.

Which type is applicable in RCC girder bridge?

Composite: RCC / PSC / Steel Types Bridges: In RCC slab and girder bridges, the deck slab not only transfers the superimposed load to the supporting girders through transverse bending but also acts as the flange of the T-beam to withstand longitudinal bending moments.

What is the shape of RCC girder bridge?

A box girder bridge, or box section bridge, is a bridge in which the main beams comprise girders in the shape of a hollow box. The box girder normally comprises prestressed concrete, structural steel, or a composite of steel and reinforced concrete.

Which type of stresses are develop due to eccentricity of connections on a bridge?

Here also secondary stresses are generated due to eccentricity in connections.

What is a pre stressed concrete frame or structure?

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Prestressed concrete is a structural material that allows for predetermined, engineering stresses to be placed in members to counteract the stresses that occur when they are subject to loading. It combines the high strength compressive properties of concrete with the high tensile strength of steel.

What is the requirement of inspection report in bridge?

A standard format for inspection reports must be maintained and should include recommendations for remedial measures. The information collected in a bridge inspection reports is sent to the highways agency.