
Why is there brown specks in my phlegm?

Why is there brown specks in my phlegm?

Brown sputum: Brown sputum due to the presence of tar, is sometimes found in people who smoke. Sputum may also appear brown or black due to the presence of old blood. Brown sputum is also common with “black lung disease.” These diseases, called pneumoconioses, occur from inhaling substances like coal into the lungs.

Why do I keep coughing up little bits of phlegm?

The airways of the throat and lungs also produce mucus. And the body makes even more mucus when we’re reacting to an allergy or have a cold or infection. If you’re coughing up mucus, it’s an indication that you have an irritation or possible infection in your respiratory tract.

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Can GERD cause brown phlegm?

Your symptoms are suggestive of hyperacidity causing GERD which has led to the brown sputum most likely. You may require antacids to control your situation.

How do you know if you have phlegm in your lungs?

According to Medical News Today2, common symptoms of mucus build up in your lungs may include:

  1. Wheezing.
  2. Difficulty Sleeping.
  3. Sore Throat.
  4. Chest Congestion.
  5. Cough that Produces Phlegm.
  6. Respiratory Infection.

Should I be worried about brown phlegm?

If your mucus turns brown, yellow, or green, it can be an early warning sign of a flare-up. It’ll be stickier and thicker, and there’ll be more of it. Treatments for COPD include medications, pulmonary rehab, supplemental oxygen, and surgery to open up blocked pathways. In severe cases, you may need a lung transplant.

Is coughing up brown mucus bad?

Brown phlegm can also be a warning sign because it signals prior bleeding. As the blood ages, it turns brown. If you notice brown phlegm, you should see your doctor. Black phlegm is cause for alarm—it likely signals a fungal infection, especially for people with compromised immune systems.

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