
Why is there massive poverty and lack of opportunity?

Why is there massive poverty and lack of opportunity?

Poverty is primarily due to low earning capacity of the poor and to their limited access to regular and productive jobs. Behind these are the two interrelated root causes of in-work poverty—low education of the poor, and the scarcity of productive job opportunities.

Why do poor people move often?

Most moves are voluntary, reflecting transitions into more affordable or better-quality housing, changes in household size, or relocation for employment. Other moves are involuntary, resulting from eviction, foreclosure, or destruction of a housing unit or property (Clark and Onaka 1983).

How does poverty affects the Philippine economy?

Poverty directly impacts economic growth due to constraints in credit and the underdevelopment of the financial market and inequality in income and assets. Another cause of poverty in the Philippines is the rise of unmanaged population growth.

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Why is poverty bad for the environment?

Air pollution is another way in which poverty contributes to environmental degradation. As mentioned above, poor communities lack the proper knowledge when it comes to production techniques. Water pollution deprives soil of nourishing elements, kills off fish, and is extremely harmful to human health.

Why poverty is an economic problem?

Poverty entails more than the lack of income and productive resources to ensure sustainable livelihoods. Its manifestations include hunger and malnutrition, limited access to education and other basic services, social discrimination and exclusion as well as the lack of participation in decision-making.

How poverty affects people’s lives in the Philippines?

With poverty plaguing the country and employment opportunities being scarce, many Filipinos are unable to afford housing, which puts them in danger of turning to the streets for accommodation. In 2012, extreme poverty within the Philippines affected 19.2 percent of the population or around 18.4 million people.