
Why others are not able to see my WhatsApp status?

Why others are not able to see my WhatsApp status?

Your status updates can only be seen by someone if you have their phone number in your phone’s address book and they have your phone number in their phone’s address book. You can choose to share your status updates with all your contacts or selected contacts only.

How do I know if someone has blocked me from viewing their WhatsApp status?

Another indicator is you do not see updates to a contact’s profile photo. Messages and status updates sent by a blocked contact will not show up on your phone and will never be delivered to you. Additionally, your last seen and online information will no longer be visible to contacts you have blocked.

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How can you tell if someone muted you on WhatsApp?

Open WhatsApp > Status. Scroll down to the View muted updates section.

What happens when you mute someone’s WhatsApp status?

When you mute a contact’s conversation or their status update, it’s your secret to keep. WhatsApp won’t notify the other party that you muted them. Similarly, you cannot tell if someone muted you, either. The same applies to group chats.

How can you tell if someone muted you on WhatsApp without them knowing?

Go Offline (Android, iOS) The other way is to turn off your mobile data or disconnect from Wifi. You can then check out any contact’s status without letting them know that you’ve seen it. However, you’re hidden only till the time you’re offline.

Can someone view my status on WhatsApp without me knowing?

To do so, you simply have to disable your Read receipts and then view that Status. In this case he or she won’t know that you have seen his or her Status. However, on disabling Read receipts you will also be unable to see the names of contacts who see your Status update.

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Can you see if someone viewed your WhatsApp status twice?

All you can see is who saw it, not how many times or the different features on the App. Only the person who put the photos on their story can see that information. If you keep checking their story, watch out because if you have receipts turned on, they can see how many times you viewed it.