
Why the split tensile strength is called as indirect tensile strength of concrete?

Why the split tensile strength is called as indirect tensile strength of concrete?

Tensile strength of concrete is much lower than its compressive strength (that’s why steel is used to carry the tension forces). To determine the tensile strength, indirect methods are applied due to the difficulty of the direct method.

What is indirect tensile strength of concrete?

The split tensile test is an indirect way of evaluating the tensile test of concrete. In this test, a standard cylindrical specimen is laid horizontally, and the force is applied on the cylinder radially on the surface which causes the formation of a vertical crack in the specimen along its diameter.

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What is indirect tensile strength?

Indirect tensile strength test is an indicator of strength and adherence against fatigue, temperature cracking and rutting. Tensile strength is difficult to measure directly because of secondary stresses induced by gripping a specimen so that it may be pulled apart.

What is the splitting tensile strength of concrete?

The splitting tensile strength test (Fig. 1) consists of applying a diametric compressive load along the entire length until failure occurs. This loading induces tensile stresses on the plane containing the applied load and compressive stresses in the area around the applied load.

Why do we split tensile strength?

Therefore, it is necessary to determine the tensile strength of concrete to determine the load at which the concrete members may crack. Furthermore, splitting tensile strength test on concrete cylinder is a method to determine the tensile strength of concrete.

Is code for split tensile strength?


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Why we use split tensile strength?

Why indirect tensile strength test is done?

1.1 Use this test method to determine the tensile strength of compacted bituminous mixtures.

What is split cylinder test?

Split Cylinder Test: In this test, a concrete cylinder is placed horizontally between loading surfaces and loaded along its diameter. This loading results in producing lateral tensile stress in the cylinder and its splits in tension along its diameter.

What is the difference between split tensile strength and flexural strength?

The flexural strength is determined by failure due to bending stress considering the compressive and tensile stresses at the failure section. However, the splitting tensile strength is defined at the point where failure is due to the compression load, inducing pure tensile stress along the diameter of the specimen.