
Why was there a need to compile the Quran?

Why was there a need to compile the Quran?

Compilation of the text provides for a uniform reading of the book by both Arab and non-Arab Muslims. it promotes unity of mission, action and purpose. The compiled text facilitates the keeping and perpetuation of the message to the future generation without alteration. The compiled text acts as a symbol of Islam.

Why did it become important to compile the prophetic hadiths after the time of the rightly guided caliphs?

The four Rightly Guided Caliphs were close Companions of the Prophet (pbuh). They followed his Sunna closely and after the end of their caliphate it became important to compile the Prophetic Hadiths so that future generations could use the Prophet’s example to clarify and resolve questions and disputes.

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What is the significance to Muslims of having the Quran in the form of book?

The Quran is the holy book of Islam and is viewed by Muslims as the direct word of God, the culmination of a series of revelations that included the Torah and the Bible. The Quran is significant not only because of its history, but also because of its continual daily use in Muslim worship.

When did compilation of Hadith started?

In the 3rd century of Islam (from 225/840 to about 275/889), hadith experts composed brief works recording a selection of about two- to five-thousand such texts which they felt to have been most soundly documented or most widely referred to in the Muslim scholarly community.

Why do you think it was important for the prophet to give permission to his companions to write down his Hadiths 4?

Candidates could say that the Prophet (pbuh) gave permission to his companions to write down his traditions so that they could be recorded for future generations of Muslims to read and understand and thus gain a better understanding of their faith.

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How many years did it take to compile the Quran?

Muslims believe that the Quran was orally revealed by God to the final prophet, Muhammad, through the archangel Gabriel (Jibril), incrementally over a period of some 23 years, beginning in the month of Ramadan, when Muhammad was 40; and concluding in 632, the year of his death.

Why was compilation of Hadith important?

It might be defined as the biography of Muhammad perpetuated by the long memory of his community for their exemplification and obedience. The development of Hadith is a vital element during the first three centuries of Islamic history, and its study provides a broad index to the mind and ethos of Islam.

How the Hadith has been compiled?

Hadith were not written down by Muhammad’s followers immediately after his death but many generations later when they were collected, collated and compiled into a great corpus of Islamic literature. Different collections of hadīth would come to differentiate the different branches of the Islamic faith.

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Why do you think the chain of narrators of a hadith is given so much importance in establishing its genuineness?

Hadiths consist of two main parts, the chain of narrators (isnad) and the text (matn). It was therefore important to verify the authenticity of the Hadiths so that Muslims could live their lives in line with the correct teachings of the Prophet.