
Why was varys helping Ned?

Why was varys helping Ned?

When Ned was imprisoned, Varys visited him and suggested that he confess to treason, to save his life. That was pretty much all that he could’ve done given his position. Although, the reasons for his help or suggestions were not because of any special affection for Ned, but for the stability of the realm.

Was varys trying to help Ned Stark?

Varys Betrayed Ned in his last days, but before things got out of hand, he tried to help him and even save him. Ned trusted Lord Baelish with the information despite Varys repeated warnings and fell straight into Littlefinger’s trap. His carelessness got both Robert and himself killed in the end.

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What did varys want with Ned?

Eddard says that he wanted to extend mercy to Cersei’s children, whom Robert would have killed if he’d known the truth. Varys bluntly tells Eddard that his mercy is what killed King Robert, to Eddard’s shame.

Why did tywin want Ned dead?

Killing Ned was a political disaster and a military mistake that absolutely led to war. Tywin had no love for Ned but he did realize how important of a man Ned was. He even tells Tyrion if Ned was alive they could have likely peacefully negotiated an end to the fighting.

Did Varys escape with Tyrion?

Varys had to smuggle Tyrion away from Westeros after helping him escape from King’s Landing. It’s a wonder Tyrion didn’t emerge from his box loathing Varys.

Is Varys a good man?

No, Varys is not a good person. But he is a magnificent character. The show makes him a better man than the books. In the show, his “little birds” don’t have their tongues cut out and there is no suggestion that they’ll be killed off when they don’t prove useful to him, while that is implied in the books.

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Did Varys try to poison Daenerys?

ICYMI, Varys totally tried to poison Dany at the beginning of the episode. The callbacks to season 1 are amazing: Ned: Poison is a woman’s weapon. Varys’s attempt to poison Daenerys makes his execution pretty justifiable—she had promised in Season Seven to burn him to death if he attempted to betray her, after all.

Why did Littlefinger betray Eddard?

Baelish betrays Stark because Eddard was going to go against his wishes to have Joffery be the successor. While as insane a plan as it seemed, it was Littlefinger’s best chance to retain what power he had as Head of Coin.