
Will Nov 2020 CA exams be Cancelled?

Will Nov 2020 CA exams be Cancelled?

ICAI has confirmed that the CA November Exam 2020 is being postponed any further and the exams will be held as per schedule. The tweet by ICAI states, “ICAI is committed to seeing exams scheduled for November 21 with additional 600+ centres are conducted smoothly with necessary safety precautions as per SOPs released.”

Will May 2021 CA exam be postponed?

ICAI CA Exam 2021 Latest News: The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) has released the exam date for CA May Exam 2021. However, on Tuesday, the Supreme Court said that it will not pass any directions to postpone the CA exams to be commenced from July.

Is ICAI Cancelled for Nov 2020?

Institute of Chartered Accountants of India, ICAI has released a notice on fake rumors doing the round on social media regarding CA November Exam 2020 postponement. The Institute has clarified that the exam would be conducted as per schedule from November 21 to December 14, 2020.

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Will ICAI cancel all exams in 2020?

The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) has ruled out any postponement or cancellation of the July-scheduled examinations. The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) has ruled out any postponement or cancellation of the July-scheduled examinations.

Are CA exams going to be held in November?

ICAI CA November exam 2020: The ICAI CA exam will be conducted from November 21 to December 14. All the ICAI CA Examinations will be held in a single shift starting from 2 pm. According to the schedule, ICAI exams will begin on November 21, 2020.

Will CA exams happen in November?

ICAI CA November Exams 2021: The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) has issued an important notice stating that students who have converted from the earlier scheme to the revised scheme from 21st July 2021 to 20th August 2021 will be allowed to appear in the examination to be held in November.

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Will CA exams Postponed Again 2021?

ICAI CA December 2021 Exam: Registration to reopen for all courses on 11 October; check details at The registration window for ICAI CA December 2021 Exam will be reopened by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) from 11 October.

Can ICAI conduct exams in November 2020?

ICAI CA Exams 2020: The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) would begin CA examinations– November 2020 from tomorrow, November 21, 2020, across the country. The Institute has issued an opt-out scheme for students who are willing not to take up November exams and can opt for January exams.

Is CA exam going to postponed?

ICAI has postponed the CA exam in Maharashtra due to heavy rain. According to ICAI, the decision to cancel ICAI CA Exam 2021 has been taken to protect career advancement. The institute has advised candidates to appear for the remaining papers of the foundation exams to be held on July 26, 28, and 30.

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Is CA foundation Nov exam postponed?

The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) has postponed the CA foundation examination in view of the present Covid-19 situation. The examination “now will be conducted from July 24. The said Examinations will, now, be commenced from 24th July, 2021 across the globe”.

Will ICAI further postponed exams?

CA Exams 2021: ‘Covid Cases Dipping, July Exams Should Not Be Postponed,’ ICAI Tells Supreme Court. According to the ICAI, the institute is taking all possible measures for safe and secure conduct of CA Examinations scheduled to be held in July,2021.