
Will there be season 3 of sound of life?

Will there be season 3 of sound of life?

The series have received two seasons for now. If you are a fan, you will be happy to know that Kono Oto Tomare: Sounds of Life is coming back with season 3.

Did Satowa confess to Chika?

Through time, however, Satowa and Chika grow closer to each other. Chika looks up to Satowa’s koto skills and views her as a sort of rival. It is also implied that Chika has developed romantic feelings towards Satowa, and vice versa (he called her beautiful and cute). Neither, however, have confessed to the other.

Is Kono Oto Tomare a romance anime?

You’ve got Kono Oto Tomare! This is a cross between Shigatsu’s musical-ish drama and Chihayafuru’s traditional Japanese school club, and of course, romance! This one doesn’t have any triangle love, though!

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Who is the MC of Kono Oto Tomare?

Chika Kudo
English. Takezo Kurata ( 倉田 武蔵 くらた たけぞう , Kurata Takezou) is a third year student at Tokise High School and the president of the Tokise High School Koto Club. He is one of main male protagonists of Kono Oto Tomare! alongside Chika Kudo.

Who does Chika end up with?

She has engaged Miyuki Shirogane in harsh tutoring sessions in volleyball, singing and dancing. She faces him with cruel comments on his skills but also works with him to improve it.

Does kurusu like Kurata?

Kurata and Kurusu have bonded deeply that their chemistry can be sensed. In the second season of the anime, it becomes clear that Kurusu had developed feelings for Kurata, and vice versa.

Does kurusu like takezo?

After that he is a bit gloomy and awkward around Kurusu until his thoughts on the matter clear up and he comes to the conclusion he loves her, not in the way he likes the other club members.

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Does Chika have an IQ of 3?

Chika has multiple ribbons that she names each and every one of them. In Kaguya Shinomiya’s flashback, Chika stated that her IQ is 3 , but where and how she got that number is unknown.

Who is Miyuki girlfriend?

Miyuki Shirogane
Year Level Junior (2-B) (formerly) Senior (3-A) (current)
Relationships Kei Shirogane (sister) Papa Shirogane (father) Unnamed mother (estranged) Unnamed Grandparents Kaguya Shinomiya (girlfriend)
Japanese VA Makoto Furukawa You Taichi (child)

Who does Hiro kurusu like?