
Are comment sections good for SEO?

Are comment sections good for SEO?

Like most questions about SEO, the answer depends on a few factors. But as long as you maintain a credible, respectable, and civilized comment section on your blog, then your posts can benefit in search results.

Do comments affect SEO?

The impact of comment systems on SEO “Do they affect SEO? Well, yes, they do. Because, in fact, they’re so slow to load that most of the time, what you see is that Google doesn’t load the content of those comments, and doesn’t use them to rank that page.

What is a Facebook Comments Plugin?

The comments plugin lets people comment on content on your site using their Facebook account. People can choose to share their comment activity with their friends (and friends of their friends) on Facebook as well. The comments plugin also includes built-in moderation tools.

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Should I let people comment on my blog?

The benefits he states for allowing blog comments are: Blog comments provide a form of social proof. Blog comments help you to understand what your readers want you to write about. Responding to comments helps you to deepen your relationship with your readers.

Should I disable comments?

The Comments Hold no Value If you have your comments enabled, it’s important to read through them. If most of the comments don’t inspire conversation between users or don’t valuably contribute to your brand, consider disabling them.

Is blog commenting effective?

Even though blog commenting is useless for link building, when utilized properly, it can potentially result in an increase in traffic to your website. So please do not use blog commenting as a way to build links to your website.

How do I comment for SEO on my blog?

5 Steps to Successful Blog Commenting SEO

  1. Get personal. If you want people to go from your comment to your website, it’s important that they know who you are!
  2. Get your comments noticed by the right people.
  3. Say something worthwhile and relevant.
  4. Be conversational.
  5. Wait for the right moment to add your links.
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How do I remove a Facebook comment from plugin?

Step 1: Click on the menu in the top right-hand corner and select Settings. Step 2: Choose Apps from the menu on the left-hand side, then under Apps, Websites and Plugins, click the Edit button. Step 3: Verify that you want to disconnect from all apps on Facebook by clicking the Disable Platform button.

How do I comment on a blog in SEO?