
Are horizontal foundation cracks always bad?

Are horizontal foundation cracks always bad?

Horizontal cracks are generally caused by soil pressure and are normally worse than vertical cracks. The horizontal cracks can be the direct result of poor drainage and soil (or hydrostatic) pressure. These cracks are generally more serious in nature and require professional and immediate inspection and repair.

Are horizontal cracks OK?

Horizontal cracks can lead to serious issues, including total foundation failure. That’s why they usually require professional help to repair. There are other types of cracks to be aware of that can cause equally severe amounts of damage.

What is a possible cause of horizontal cracks in concrete foundation walls?

Horizontal foundation cracks are signs of serious problems. The cracks are caused by hydrostatic pressure, which is water pressure pushing your foundation walls inward. Water is a foundation’s biggest nemesis. Wet periods, which can be caused by rainfall, snowmelt, or a high water table, cause the ground to expand.

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What does a horizontal crack in wall mean?

Horizontal Cracks If the crack is horizontal or runs at a jagged 45-degree angle, it might mean there’s a more serious problem such as severe foundation shifting or water damage. Surface-blemish cracks can often be repaired with drywall putty, sanding tools and a fresh coat of paint.

When is a crack in the wall serious?

A crack is more serious when it’s between five and 15 millimeters wide (0.5 to 1.5 centimeters, or up to half an inch) as the cause could be more serious than simply dried out plaster or a house that is settling.

How do you repair cracks in horizontal walls?

The best way to repair a crack in drywall is to re-tape the joint. This involves scraping away the loose tape and crumbled bits of drywall mud, sanding the surface smooth, and then filling the crack with drywall compound and applying new tape.

When are wall cracks serious?

Typically, wider cracks signify more serious issues than thinner cracks. Cracks less than 1/8-inch thick are considered stress cracks and are harmless, while cracks 1/4-inch wide and larger are often more serious.

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When is a foundation crack serious?

Foundation cracks that run sideways (horizontally) are the most serious type of crack to look out for, as they can signal serious damage to your home’s foundation and structural integrity.

When should I worry about horizontal foundation cracks?

While you’re under your house in a basement or crawlspace, you’re looking for any cracks or signs of damage. If you find long horizontal cracks, leaning, or bowing walls, you are in dangerous territory. If the foundation walls are made of concrete block, the cracks may look like stair-steps.

When are cracks in walls serious?